Environmental Health
Start Year: 2017

Developing Indicators for Environmental Contributions to Health

The County Health Rankings & Roadmaps program is a National Program Center of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The program is designed to:

  • Build awareness of the multiple factors that influence health
  • Provide a reliable, sustainable source of local data and evidence to communities to help them identify opportunities to improve their health
  • Engage and activate local leaders from many sectors in creating sustainable community change, and
  • Connect & empower community leaders working to improve health.

The Environmental Analysis & Communications groups is working in partnership with the CHR&R team to explore approaches and methodologies for building additional indicators for health into the CHR&R platform related to health impacts associated with climate change and disproportionate community-based environmental burdens. As part of this effort we are analyzing data sourced from the National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network and the USEPA’s environmental justice screening and mapping tool, EJSCREEN.

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environmental health