Start Year: 2021

Dr. Karen Lowrie to co-lead Health in All Policies Continuing Education Training Course

Karen Lowrie, Ph.D. at the Environmental Analysis & Communications Group and Leigh Ann Von Hagen, AICP/PP at the Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center (both at Rutgers’ Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy) will co-lead “Health in All Policies (HiAP)”, an on-line course offered through Rutgers Continuing Education that is recommended for practitioners and policymakers across a broad variety of sectors.

Health in All Policies (HiAP) is a strategy that strengthens the link between health and other policies, creating a supportive environment that enables people to lead healthy lives. HiAP considers the intentional or unintentional impact of non-health policies in areas such as education, housing, transportation, economic development, and others on individual and/or population health. HiAP approaches are central to the concept of achieving a “culture of health” that leads to more healthy and equitable outcomes.

In this session, the Planning Healthy Communities Initiative (PHCI) will lead an introductory training on Health in All Policies, focusing on how to bring community health and equity into planning processes and decision-making, emerging tools to build capacity for health advancement in planning, and how to support health in all policies. In addition to presentations, participants will engage in group exercises, discuss opportunities and challenges to integrating health into planning and policy processes, and learn about new statewide collaborative initiatives.

The Course is offered June 18, 2021 from 9:00am to 3:30pm EST.

Learn more and register for the course through Rutgers Office of Continuing Professional Education.