Planning for Healthy Outdoor Spaces for Older Adults
Start Year: 2018

EAC’s Dr. Lowrie to lead Age-Friendly Planning Studio focused on Farley Towers in Elizabeth

In the Fall of 2018, EAC’s Dr. Karen Lowrie is leading a class of MCRP students in a studio class that focuses on Farley Towers, a senior living facility managed by the City of Elizabeth Housing Authority. Students will examine the opportunities to improve and expand outdoor areas to accommodate passive and active recreation for older adults. Students will conduct an assessment of the property, collect input from residents, and develop plans and recommendations for improvements to the property grounds and connections to the Elizabeth River trail that is directly adjacent to the property.

This studio project dovetails with the Lifelong Elizabeth project, a foundation-supported and city endorsed initiative to support the implementation of plans to make improvements in built environment design, transportation, social programming or planning policies to make the community a healthy place to grow old in Elizabeth.

View the final report