ArcGIS StoryMaps of Key Raritan Indicators

News | Raritan River Initiatives

Key Raritan Indicators described through ArcGIS StoryMaps by Advanced Environmental Geomatics Students

In the Spring of 2019, undergraduate students in Dr. Richard Lathrop’s Advanced Environmental Geomatics course developed ArcGIS StoryMaps for key indicators identified in the State of the Raritan Report, Volumes 1 and 2.  The reports were written to provide critical data to inform planning and decision-making in the basin as well as to identify data gaps that will help set priorities for university-based research efforts.

Click on the links below to view the StoryMaps of key indicators.  For more information about the State of the Raritan Reports, Volumes 1 and 2, click here.

For more information about the Advanced Environmental Geomatics practicum, contact Professor Richard Lathrop, Instructor, at