Start Year: 2018

New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance receives Annual Governor’s Environmental Excellence Award

Co-chair Michael Catania, DEP Commissioner Catherine McCabe, First Lady Tammy Snyder Murphy, Co-chair Kathleen Ellis and NJIB Executive Director David Zimmer

The New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance was one of eleven recipients of the 19th Annual Governor’s Environmental Excellence Awards given in Trenton on Tuesday, December 10, 2018.  The Alliance received the award in the Environmental Education (Educator-led) category.  The award description read, “Facilitated by the Rutgers Climate Institute and Rutgers University’s Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, the New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance is a diverse network of leaders who self-organized in 2011 to advance shared goals for addressing climate change. The Alliance has offered recommendations for evidence-based climate-change and resilience policies, convened stakeholders to build consensus-based models, developed decision support tools in use by communities and produced extensive outreach and educational material.  The alliance of more than 45 organizations representing public, private, non-governmental and academic sectors has also undertaken research and policy analysis to assess climate impacts in New Jersey as well as outlining policy and other actions that can address sector-based impacts.”

The New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance is facilitated by the Environmental Analysis and Communications Group in partnership with the Rutgers Climate Institute.    Over the past year, the Alliance has also won awards for its work to advance sound climate change policy in New Jersey from the New Jersey Local Boards of Health Association, the New Jersey Association for Flood Plain Management, and the New Jersey Chapter of the American Planning Association.  For more information, visit: http://njadapt.rutgers.edu

Visit the Governor’s Environmental Excellence Awards Website.

Read the full NJDEP Press Release on the Awards.

Image of recipients from https://www.nj.gov/dep/awards/pastwin2018.html.


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