Lucas Marxen
Start Year: 2024

Lucas Marxen

Lucas Marxen is Executive Director of the Environmental Analysis and Communications Group at the Rutgers University Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy and Co-Director of the New Jersey Climate Change Resource Center, a statutorily established and academically housed service center providing support to communities, state and local decision-makers and the private sector to advance equitable and science-informed climate change solutions. Lucas leads a talented research team with expertise in planning, policy, data analysis, and public informatics development. Lucas leads applied research projects focused on supporting state and local planning and policy making across various aspects of climate change, environmental policy, and resource development/management. He manages a team leading the development of digital informatics systems that combine computer science and data visualization techniques into platforms that bring research and data to a broad set of stakeholders to support decision-making across a diverse range of subject and research areas. Lucas also has expertise in developing geographic information systems (GIS), enabling spatial analysis and modeling for research initiatives in a variety of disciplines.

Lucas also leads the NJADAPT Program at the New Jersey Climate Change Resource Center, developing a suite of data-visualization and mapping tools designed to assist planners, community leaders, businesses, and residents to understand and adapt to the impacts of climate change on people, assets, and communities in New Jersey. Prior to joining the Center for Urban Policy Research in 2024, he led the development of the SEBS/NJAES Office of Research Analytics at Rutgers University where he provided leadership and direction on the development of analytical capabilities and services to meet the ongoing demand of stakeholders both within and outside the university. Lucas earned a Master in City and Regional Planning from the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, a Master of Science in Computer Science from Rutgers University, and is currently pursuing a PhD in Planning and Public Policy from the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy.