Start Year: 2018

EAC Supports Age-Friendly Planning in Elizabeth, NJ

Meet EAC team member, Dr. Karen Lowrie and hear about her work building healthy communities for aging populations in the City of Elizabeth.  With support from the Henry & Marilyn Taub Foundation, EAC Associate Director Dr. Karen Lowrie is working with a collaboration of partners through Lifelong Elizabeth, a community led, city-endorsed initiative that aims to make the City of Elizabeth an age-friendly community that is a great place to grow up and grow old.  As part of EAC’s efforts with Lifelong Elizabeth, Dr. Lowrie and Bloustein School students have served as technical consultants, conducting data collection, mapping and survey research to better understand current conditions in Elizabeth, along with identifying potential local policies, programs and services that will make the local communities safer, healthier and more walkable while supporting appropriate transportation options, increasing senior-appropriate affordable housing and enhancing access to fresh food and social interactions. For more information, contact Dr. Lowrie at klowrie@ejb.rutgers.edu.

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age-friendly | Elizabeth | Karen Lowrie | Lowrie