The Raritan Scholars program is a great opportunity to engage Rutgers students in a substantive internship as well as an opportunity for you to...
New Jersey 2040 Water Demand Study for Public Community Water Supply Systems
A new study by Dr. Dan Van Abs provides a variety of water demand scenarios for New Jersey's 584 Public Community Water Supply (PCWS) systems,...
Anaerobic Biodegradability of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in Raritan River Sediments
Professor Max Häggblom and his team of researcher received a R3C mini-grant to investigate the biodegradability of pharmaceuticals and personal care...
EAC Staff Participate at Annual Conference of NJ Chapter of the American Planning Association
Senior Research Specialists Matt Campo and Stacy Krause participated as conference moderator/presenter on panels focused on climate resilience at...
EAC Assists with Groundbreaking Joint Land Use Study at NWS Earle
A Joint Land Use Study (JLUS) is a cooperative planning effort between local governments and military installations. Working with the County of...
Join EAC at the 2018 Preparedness Summit! – April 17th to 20th
Join EAC at the 2018 Preparedness Summit! The Preparedness Summit is the first and longest running national conference on public health...
EAC Director Greenberg Appointed to NRC’s Plutonium Disposition Committee
EAC Director Michael Greenberg was recently appointed as a member of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Plutonium Disposition Committee. The...
New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance Launches Social Media Campaign
The New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance – facilitated by Rutgers University–New Brunswick – has launched a social media campaign to enhance...

Bloustein School hosts Dr. Brian Smedley – March 27
Bloustein School hosts Dr. Brian Smedley March 27 lecture on “Place, Race and Poverty: Advancing Health Equity in New Jersey and Nationally.” Event...
EAC Conducts Health Impact Assessment Training for Housing and Community Development of New Jersey
Karen Lowrie of EAC, together with Planning Healthy Communities Initiatives (PHCI) colleague Leigh Ann Von Hagen of the Voorhees Transportation...
Recent Products
Estimating lung deposition of fungal spores using actual airborne spore concentrations and physiological data
Exposure to bioaerosols has been implicated in adverse respiratory symptoms, infectious diseases, and bioterrorism. Although these particles have been measured within residential and occupational settings in multiple studies, the deposition of bioaerosol particles...
Englewood Health Department Resident Health Needs and Program Recommendations
This report summarizes the findings of three phases of research conducted as part of the Healthy Communities Network grant awarded to the City of Englewood Health Department. The intent of the research was to determine what Englewood residents describe as their...
HIA Training for Professionals: How a university-based center can help to build awareness and capacity
When a group of faculty and research staff from various subfields of planning at the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy at Rutgers University in New Jersey got together in 2012 around their common interest in fostering healthy communities, they...
Communicating about Contaminated Site Cleanup using Coordinated and Consistent Metrics
Over $500 billion has gone toward cleanup of large contaminated sites owned and/or operated by the U.S. Federal Government over the past 30 years. Nevertheless, some stakeholders worry about the risks associated with what they perceive as a slow process of cleanup, as...