Water-dependent uses along the New Jersey coast rely on access to the water that increasingly threatens to damage their facilities and support...
Water Quality
Video Series Explores Restoration of the Manalapan Brook Watershed
An “Restoring the Manalapan Brook Watershed”, a series of videos produced by the Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Middlesex County, examines...
Rutgers Partners with Raritan Headwaters Association to Study Microplastics in the Raritan River
The study of microplastics and their negative effects as water pollutants has led to multiple opportunities for research and partnership. Through...
Assessing Forest Status in the Lower Raritan Watershed
Forest fragmentation is a process by which large forest areas are broken into smaller forest areas. Fragmentation is often a result of human...
Student engagement on microplastics in the Raritan River
Students from Dr. Jill Lipoti and Mary Nucci's environmental studies practicum formed a team to investigate microplastics in the Raritan. They...
New Jersey 2040 Water Demand Study for Public Community Water Supply Systems
A new study by Dr. Dan Van Abs provides a variety of water demand scenarios for New Jersey's 584 Public Community Water Supply (PCWS) systems,...
Anaerobic Biodegradability of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in Raritan River Sediments
Professor Max Häggblom and his team of researcher received a R3C mini-grant to investigate the biodegradability of pharmaceuticals and personal care...
Undergraduate Profiles Water Column for NJDEP Project
This summer, Rutgers undergraduate student Laura Wiltsee, advised by Dr. Josh Kohut, worked with the New Jersey Department of Environmental...
Students Collect NJDEP Qualified Data on R/V Rutgers
A new research vessel, R/V Rutgers, has given undergraduate and graduate students from a variety of academic programs at Rutgers the opportunity to...
Rutgers and Baykeeper Study Microplastic Pollution in the Raritan River
Microplastic is small - the size of a grain of sand or smaller. This emerging pollution is now found all over the world, including the Raritan...
Recent Products
Stakeholder and Subject Matter Expert Feedback Regarding the Content of a New Jersey Ocean Acidification Action Plan
This report summarizes stakeholder and subject matter expert feedback regarding the potential elements and content of a New Jersey Ocean Acidification (OA) Action Plan. Feedback was provided by twenty-eight individuals through a stakeholder engagement process which...
Tech Fitness for Local Elected Officials and Administrators
These articles were designed to help local government leaders develop “tech fitness” for their organizations. The idea of tech fitness is to ensure that organizations can meet expectations for technologically driven services, which today, include most government...
AI in Local Government, Helpful or Harmful?
Chatbots are software programs that use natural language processing to have conversations with people. Also called conversational agents, they can answer questions, provide recommendations, and complete tasks. Leading companies like Google, Microsoft, and Amazon, and...
TECH UPDATES: What Municipal CAOs Need to Know, Part 1: Tech Fitness and Cyber Hygiene
There are two basic elements of technology that every municipality must have. Most places already do this, but it doesn’t hurt to highlight them. The first is an expert to advise you and your governing body on technology issues. As with other experts you hire—a police...