Raritan River and Rutgers

Raritan River Initiatives

The Raritan River has a rich history, which includes strong ties to Rutgers University. A number of entities from across the university are collaborating to transform the Raritan Basin into an interactive field laboratory that enhances the student experience, encourages and supports transdisciplinary research, and addresses real-world concerns of regional stakeholders.

Sustainable Raritan River Initiative (SRRI)

Rutgers University launched the Sustainable Raritan River Initiative (“SRRI”) in 2009 to bring together concerned scientists, environmentalists, engineers, businesses, community leaders and governmental entities to craft an agenda that meets the goals of the U.S. Clean Water Act to restore and preserve New Jersey’s Raritan River, its tributaries and its bay.

The Initiative, a joint program of the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy (EJB) and the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences (SEBS), partners with other Rutgers schools, centers and programs to ensure the best contributions from the sciences, planning and policy.  The Initiative conducts conferences and topical workshops, provides technical assistance, and develops anchor projects that raise the profile of the Raritan River. Jeanne Herb and Richard G. Lathrop, Jr., serve as co-leaders of the Sustainable Raritan River Initiative.

Rutgers Raritan River Consortium (R3C)

R3C is a collaborative effort at Rutgers University’s New Brunswick-Piscataway campus that recognizes the critical value of the Raritan and its environs to the social, economic and ecological integrity of the region that Rutgers calls home. Our mission is to utilize Rutgers’ proximity to the Raritan to inform university-based education, research and scholarship and to apply our efforts, in collaboration with Raritan partners, to advance improvements in regional planning, policy and decision-making that positively affect the ecology and economy of the Raritan region. Read more in the 2016 Public Announcement.

Johnson Family Chair in Water Resources and Watershed Ecology (JFC)

On December 15, 2015, the Rutgers Board of Governors appointed Richard G. Lathrop Jr., professor of environmental monitoring at the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences, as the inaugural holder of the Johnson Family Chair in Water Resources and Watershed Ecology.

Besides his teaching responsibilities, Lathrop, a professor in the Department of Ecology, Evolution and Natural Resources, is the faculty director of the Rutgers Ecological Preserve. over 350 acres, the preserve features several streams that feed into the Raritan River and numerous public hiking and biking trails. He also directs the Grant F. Walton Center for Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis, whose mission is to promote the development and application of geospatial information science and technology to address issues in the environment, natural resources and agriculture.

For more information, contact Rick Lathrop at lathrop@crssa.rutgers.edu or (848) 932-1580.

Resources & Updates

Flourometer Model: Turner

A fluorometer is used to estimate the amount of phytoplankton (plant-like, microscopic organisms) in the water. This is typically done by measuring the primary photosynthetic pigment in phytoplankton called chlorophyll a. Why we collect this data Phytoplankton are...

ADCP Model: Workhorse Monitor ADCP

An acoustic Doppler current profiler uses acoustics (sound waves) to measure the velocity of the water around it. Why we collect this data The ADCP gives us insight into how the water moves. It can also provide some information on the amount of particles in the water....

Water Quality Meter Model: YSI ProDSS

A water quality meter directly measures many different characteristics of the water using different sensors. The R/V Rutgers has sensor that measure conductivity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, and pH. Why we collect this data These measurements provide us with basic...

CTD Model: CastAway

A CTD is so named as it measures conductivity, temperature and depth. Why we collect this data These measurements provide us with basic information about the ecosystem as well as providing insight into the source of the water (freshwater from runoff or saltier water...

CTD Model: Sea-Bird

A CTD is so named as it measures conductivity, temperature and depth. This particular model aboard the R/V Rutgers also has sensors that measure turbidity and chlorophyll a. Why we collect this data These measurements provide us with basic information about the...