Start Year: 2021

Matt Campo works with colleagues to develop webinar series incorporating SLR into urban planning decisions

EAC’s Matt Campo worked together with colleagues from Washington State Sea Grant and the American Planning Association’s Mazard Mitigation and Disaster Recovery Division (APA HMDR) to develop a 4-part webinar series on incorporating sea-level rise into urban planning decisions. The Planning Webcast series hosts the webinar recordings and supporting materials for free.  The series included:

  • Sea Level Rise 101: How to Select and Use Sea Level Rise Data for Planning and Policy Decisions (February 28, 2020)
  • Integrating Sea Level Rise into Plans (May 8, 2020)
  • Coastal Hazard Zones, Best Management Practices, Permitting and Planning (October 2, 2020)
  • Incorporating Sea Level Rise into a Capital Facilities Plan or Capital Infrastructure Plan (December 11, 2020)

For more information, email Matt Campo.

Webinar Recordings

Supporting Materials