The Highland Park Environmental Commission employed Rutgers University in the spring of 2011 to conduct a revisioning exercise whereby the full...
Middlesex County
Recent Products
Tech Fitness for Local Elected Officials and Administrators
These articles were designed to help local government leaders develop “tech fitness” for their organizations. The idea of tech fitness is to ensure that organizations can meet expectations for technologically driven services, which today, include most government...
Calculators and Dashboards
Local Fiscal Impact Calculator Demographic Multipliers Elizabeth Air Quality Dashboard Acknowledgments: Financial support was provided by National Science Foundation awards 2053637, 2103754, and 2322062.
The Future of New Jersey Journalism: Evolution, Not Extinction
This two-part study examines the evolving landscape of state and local journalism in New Jersey during a critical transition from print to digital news delivery and challenges those changes mean for the publication of "official notices." The analysis, drawing on five...
About Legal Advertising
This second part of The Future of New Jersey Journalism: Evolution, Not Extinction examines the evolving landscape of legal advertising requirements in New Jersey amid significant changes in media publishing models. The impending cessation of print operations by New...