In many ways, the IHC grant program is a highly innovative initiative that seeks to undertake upfront and lasting engagement of people with...
Rutgers’ Bloustein School to Assist in Implementing 18 Inclusive Healthy Communities Grants Awarded by DHS
The New Jersey Department of Human Services announced it has awarded 18 grants to help communities across the state develop and/or implement...
Coastal Climate Resilience Studio Course: Integrating Climate Change Resilience into the New Jersey State Planning Commission Plan Endorsement Process
The client for this fall 2020 Bloustein resilience studio course is the state OPA and the studio focus is on supporting OPA’s effort to incorporate...
Frequently Asked Questions – IHC Planning Grant
FAQs for the Inclusive Healthy Communities Planning Grant will be posted within five business days of receipt. Final submissions for FAQs are due by...
Rutgers’ Bloustein School to manage DDS IHC Grant Program
The New Jersey Department of Human Services Division of Disability Services (DDS) has engaged the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public...

Influence of biogeochemistry on the availability of toxic metals in iron-replete New Jersey sediment
Dr. Philip Sontag and Professor Katherine Dawson collaborated on a mini-grant project to understand the biogeochemical cycles of trace metal...
EAC Group’s Jeanne Herb featured in The Pew Charitable Trusts’ Coastal Habitat Learning Series
Jeanne Herb of the Bloustein School's EAC Group will be a speaker on the upcoming Pew Charitable Trusts' Coastal Habitat Learning Series. Ms. Herb...
New Risk Analysis virtual issue on Environmental Justice
This virtual issue provides a compendium of papers from the 1980's through the present that examine some of the risks and disadvantages that people...
Op-Ed: COVID-19, Racial Injustice and Climate Change Require a Bold Approach, Not Incrementalism
With a nation rattled by a public health emergency, a deep recession that has left thousands jobless, and growing signs of climate change, it may be...

A Watershed-Based Approach to Flood Hazard Mitigation in the Raritan Region
This project examined the flood mitigation plans of the seven counties in the Raritan River watershed to better understand local government flood...
Recent Products
Monitoring summertime indoor overheating and pollutant risks and natural ventilation patterns of seniors in public housing.
Abstract Indoor heat and air pollution pose concurrent threats to human health and wellbeing, and their effects are more pronounced for vulnerable individuals. This study investigates exposures to summertime indoor overheating and airborne particulate matter (PM2.5)...
First, Do No Harm: Algorithms, AI, and Digital Product Liability
The ethical imperative for technology should be "first, do no harm." But digital innovations like AI and social media increasingly enable societal harms, from bias to misinformation. As these technologies grow ubiquitous, we need solutions to address unintended...
Focus Group Synthesis for Increasing Access to Nature for People with Disabilities
This project is a component of a research-informed white paper focused on the challenges and opportunities associated with access to outdoor recreation for people with disabilities in New Jersey. This report shares the key findings from three focus groups with people...
Research Summary of State Policies for Increasing Access to Nature for People with Disabilities
First, we discuss federal policies that increase public recreation access to the outdoors, in order to understand how states have used this context to inform their own efforts to increase outdoor access. Using policy examples from twelve states (Alaska, California,...