Water-dependent uses along the New Jersey coast rely on access to the water that increasingly threatens to damage their facilities and support...
Take out the Rutgers’ research vessel!
The R/V Rutgers is back in the water! We are now taking reservations for spring and summer excursions. The Rutgers is capable of supporting a wide...
Mini-grant Research Projects
The Rutgers Raritan River Consortium (R3C) Mini-grant and Internship Pool program encourages collaboration between Rutgers affiliates and...
Video Series Explores Restoration of the Manalapan Brook Watershed
An “Restoring the Manalapan Brook Watershed”, a series of videos produced by the Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Middlesex County, examines...
Coastal Community Resilience: an overview of strategies, tools and science
Coastal Community Resilience: an overview of strategies, tools and scienceCoastal Community Resilience: an overview of strategies, tools and science...
Rutgers Partners with Raritan Headwaters Association to Study Microplastics in the Raritan River
The study of microplastics and their negative effects as water pollutants has led to multiple opportunities for research and partnership. Through...
Rutgers 2030 Master Plan Public Access Planning Studio
Seven graduate students participated in this Fall 2017 studio through the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy to analyze two...
Mini-grant enhances weather and climate data collection in the Raritan
Be it drought, flood, excessive heat or cold, climate variability and change, or simply the more “normal” day-to-day conditions in the basin, it is...
Discards and Fishery Dynamics Data to Inform Raritan Bay Recreational Summer Flounder Fishery Management Policy
Summer flounder (Paralichtys dentatus) is a key species for New Jersey’s fisheries, including being the most commonly captured species by...
New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance receives Annual Governor’s Environmental Excellence Award
The New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance was one of eleven recipients of the 19th Annual Governor's Environmental Excellence Awards given in...
Recent Products
Route 66, Revisited
In 2011, after many years of study, Rutgers University finished a landmark economic impact analysis of Route 66. Conducted in collaboration with the National Park Service (NPS) and the World Monuments Fund (WMF), The Route 66 Economic Impact Report* worked to capture...
New Jersey Energy Code Compliance Study
DNV and its study partner NMR completed the New Jersey Energy Code Compliance study for Rutgers, The State University and the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (NJBPU). The ECC study was completed between February 2021 and June 2022 to assess energy code...
Draft Report: New Jersey Non-Residential Lighting Market Characterization
Abstract DNV completed the New Jersey Non-Residential Lighting Market Characterization on behalf of the Rutgers Center for Green Building (Rutgers), and the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (NJBPU). The primary objective of this study was to assess the status of...
State of the Climate: New Jersey 2021
Global climate change will present unique challenges to the state of New Jersey. This report by researchers from Rutgers University-New Brunswick, the Office of the New Jersey State Climatologist, and the University of Delaware summarizes the current scientific...