Rutgers Raritan River Consortium (R3C) minigrant funds allowed the expansion of fish passage analysis on the Raritan by hiring Kiera Malone, a...
Assessing Forest Status in the Lower Raritan Watershed
Forest fragmentation is a process by which large forest areas are broken into smaller forest areas. Fragmentation is often a result of human...
Student engagement on microplastics in the Raritan River
Students from Dr. Jill Lipoti and Mary Nucci's environmental studies practicum formed a team to investigate microplastics in the Raritan. They...
Join Jeanne Herb at annual Restore America’s Estuaries Summit in Long Beach
Join EAC Executive Director, Jeanne Herb, at the annual Restore America's Estuaries Summit, December 8-13 in Long Beach, California. Follow this...
State Sea Level Rise Policies
Jeanne Herb, EAC Executive Director, joined Rutgers Climate Institute Associate Director Dr. Marjorie Kaplan in presenting insights regarding state...
Social Vulnerability in New Jersey’s Coastal Zone
EAC Executive Director Jeanne Herb, along with Senior Research Specialists Matt Campo and Dr. Jennifer Whytlaw, presented an analysis of social...
EAC reviews environment and climate change indicators to support healthy community planning
With support from the County Health Rankings and Roadmaps, a program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation hosted by the University of Wisconsin,...
New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance wins Coastal and Ocean Champion Award
Congratulations to the New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance for winning the Coastal and Ocean Champion Award from the Monmouth University Urban...

EAC’s Dr. Lowrie to lead Age-Friendly Planning Studio focused on Farley Towers in Elizabeth
In the Fall of 2018, EAC's Dr. Karen Lowrie is leading a class of MCRP students in a studio class that focuses on Farley Towers, a senior living...
EAC Team to help integrate coastal hazards mapping tools into unified platform
EAC team members will work on an interdisciplinary team at Rutgers to integrate an existing suite of coastal hazards mapping tools into a unified...
Recent Products
Annual Report on the Economic Impact of the Federal Historic Tax Credits for Fiscal Year 2020
The Federal Historic Tax Credit (HTC) is a Federal income tax credit that promotes the rehabilitation of income-producing historic properties. This study examines the economic impacts of the HTC (a 20% credit since 1986) by analyzing the economic consequences of the...
Cost-Benefit Analysis of the NJCEP Energy Efficiency Programs: FY2018 Retrospective Summary Report & Avoided Costs
The Rutgers Center for Green Building (RCGB) of the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy is contracted by the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (NJBPU) to conduct cost-benefit analysis of the FY2018 residential, commercial and industrial New...
Cost-Benefit Analysis of the NJCEP Energy Efficiency Programs: FY2017 Retrospective and FY2019 Summary Reports with Avoided Costs Commentary
The Rutgers Center for Green Building (RCGB) of the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy was asked by the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (NJBPU) to conduct a cost-benefit analysis of the FY2017 residential, commercial and industrial New...
Development of Local Government Resilient Microgrids
Also referred to as “community” or “town center” microgrids, local government microgrids are defined as “microgrids developed in downtown areas of communities that deliver power to a physically non-contiguous group of critical facilities, often involving multiple...