Advancing its mission and leadership role to improve climate risk management critical to societal well-being, Rutgers, The State University of New...

Advancing its mission and leadership role to improve climate risk management critical to societal well-being, Rutgers, The State University of New...
Read about EAC's participation in the Rutgers Coastal Climate Risk and Resilience Training Program in the current edition of Rutgers Magazine. Learn...
The EAC Group's Executive Director, Jeanne Herb, will give the keynote address at the 2021 New Jersey History and Historic Preservation Conference...
In this short video, Jeanne Herb, Executive Director of the EAC Group at Rutgers Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, describes the...
Spanning over a 70-mile corridor, the Delaware and Raritan Canal State Park (D&R Canal Park) provides millions of New Jersey residents with...
The New Jersey Department of Human Services Division of Disability Services (DDS) has engaged the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public...
Jeanne Herb of the Bloustein School's EAC Group will be a speaker on the upcoming Pew Charitable Trusts' Coastal Habitat Learning Series. Ms. Herb...
With a nation rattled by a public health emergency, a deep recession that has left thousands jobless, and growing signs of climate change, it may be...
EAC staff are collaborating with others at Rutgers and the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection to develop data, guidance and policy...
Join EAC Director Jeanne Herb in a Digital Dialogue about improving disaster recovery of low income households through The Wharton School,...
Local Fiscal Impact Calculator Demographic Multipliers Elizabeth Air Quality Dashboard Acknowledgments: Financial support was provided by National Science Foundation awards 2053637, 2103754, and 2322062.
This two-part study examines the evolving landscape of state and local journalism in New Jersey during a critical transition from print to digital news delivery and challenges those changes mean for the publication of "official notices." The analysis, drawing on five...
This second part of The Future of New Jersey Journalism: Evolution, Not Extinction examines the evolving landscape of legal advertising requirements in New Jersey amid significant changes in media publishing models. The impending cessation of print operations by New...
The prevalence of low-density residential development to host solar PV, the ubiquity of solar irradiation, and incentivizing policies have created substantial opportunities for homeowners in the United States. Federal, state, and municipal governments implement...