Rutgers University’s Sustainable Raritan River Initiative has released a second report on the status of watershed health for the Raritan River. The...
Raritan River Initiatives

History of the Raritan River Timeline
During Spring Semester, 2019, Jenny Schneider, a candidate for the Rutgers Public History Program Certificate (School of Arts and Sciences,...
Sustainable Raritan Conference to focus on climate resilience
This year’s Sustainable Raritan River conference will be a joint effort with Rutgers Climate Institute, New Jersey Climate Change Alliance, and ...
Call for Lightning Talks and Posters for June Conference
Promote your work or solicit input. It’s open to everyone! Do you have a Raritan based project you want to tell others about? The Sustainable...
Tracking Genes and Bacteria Responsible for Organohalide Reduction in the Raritan River Basin
The Raritan River receives wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluent, stormwater runoff, combined sewer overflow (CSO), and groundwater...
Assessing Exposure of Water-Dependent Uses to Coastal Flood Hazards
Water-dependent uses along the New Jersey coast rely on access to the water that increasingly threatens to damage their facilities and support...
Take out the Rutgers’ research vessel!
The R/V Rutgers is back in the water! We are now taking reservations for spring and summer excursions. The Rutgers is capable of supporting a wide...
Video Series Explores Restoration of the Manalapan Brook Watershed
An “Restoring the Manalapan Brook Watershed”, a series of videos produced by the Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Middlesex County, examines...
Rutgers Partners with Raritan Headwaters Association to Study Microplastics in the Raritan River
The study of microplastics and their negative effects as water pollutants has led to multiple opportunities for research and partnership. Through...
Rutgers 2030 Master Plan Public Access Planning Studio
Seven graduate students participated in this Fall 2017 studio through the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy to analyze two...
Recent Products
Monitoring summertime indoor overheating and pollutant risks and natural ventilation patterns of seniors in public housing.
Abstract Indoor heat and air pollution pose concurrent threats to human health and wellbeing, and their effects are more pronounced for vulnerable individuals. This study investigates exposures to summertime indoor overheating and airborne particulate matter (PM2.5)...
First, Do No Harm: Algorithms, AI, and Digital Product Liability
The ethical imperative for technology should be "first, do no harm." But digital innovations like AI and social media increasingly enable societal harms, from bias to misinformation. As these technologies grow ubiquitous, we need solutions to address unintended...
Focus Group Synthesis for Increasing Access to Nature for People with Disabilities
This project is a component of a research-informed white paper focused on the challenges and opportunities associated with access to outdoor recreation for people with disabilities in New Jersey. This report shares the key findings from three focus groups with people...
Research Summary of State Policies for Increasing Access to Nature for People with Disabilities
First, we discuss federal policies that increase public recreation access to the outdoors, in order to understand how states have used this context to inform their own efforts to increase outdoor access. Using policy examples from twelve states (Alaska, California,...