The burden of non-tuberculosis mycobacterium (NTM) infections on the US healthcare systems is estimated to cost $815 million annually. NTM causes...
Raritan River Initiatives
Quantifying the Presence and Abundance of Freshwater and Euryhaline Bivalves in the Raritan River
There is very little information on the density and or the species of bivalve mollusks present in the watershed of the Raritan River basin. The...
Environmental DNA (eDNA) Assay for Monitoring Recovery of River Herring
Mid-Atlantic populations of river herring (Alosa pseudoharengus, alewife, and A. aestivalis, blueback herring) have declined precipitously in recent...
Generating an Elevation Grid for the Raritan River Basin
The objective of this project was to develop an elevation/bathymetry grid for the Raritan River Basin as a precursor for a hydrodynamic model. In...
Real-Time Hydrological Observatory and ERDDAP Interface
A real-time water quality monitoring station has been deployed on the bottom of the Raritan River in the mid-channel in front of the Rutgers Class...
MERI – Spatial Distribution of Contaminants in Lower Raritan Sediments
This research study by the Meadowlands Environmental Research Institute (MERI) at Rutgers - Newark, aimed to fill in data gaps in river and marsh...
ArcGIS StoryMaps of Key Raritan Indicators
Key Raritan Indicators described through ArcGIS StoryMaps by Advanced Environmental Geomatics Students In the Spring of 2019, undergraduate students...
EPA Rutgers Raritan Data Project
The EPA Rutgers Raritan River Project was conducted to compile data related to point source and non-point source pollution and Superfund, Brownfield...
Ten Mini-Grants Awarded for Research on the Raritan River, Basin and Bay
The Rutgers Raritan River Consortium (R3C) has awarded ten mini-grants to support research by Rutgers faculty, staff and post-doctoral researchers...
Resilience and the Raritan Conference and Awards Ceremony – 11th Annual Conference and Awards Ceremony
Resilience and the Raritan Friday, June 7, 2019 Richard Weeks Hall of Engineering Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Piscataway, New Jersey...
Recent Products
Monitoring summertime indoor overheating and pollutant risks and natural ventilation patterns of seniors in public housing.
Abstract Indoor heat and air pollution pose concurrent threats to human health and wellbeing, and their effects are more pronounced for vulnerable individuals. This study investigates exposures to summertime indoor overheating and airborne particulate matter (PM2.5)...
First, Do No Harm: Algorithms, AI, and Digital Product Liability
The ethical imperative for technology should be "first, do no harm." But digital innovations like AI and social media increasingly enable societal harms, from bias to misinformation. As these technologies grow ubiquitous, we need solutions to address unintended...
Focus Group Synthesis for Increasing Access to Nature for People with Disabilities
This project is a component of a research-informed white paper focused on the challenges and opportunities associated with access to outdoor recreation for people with disabilities in New Jersey. This report shares the key findings from three focus groups with people...
Research Summary of State Policies for Increasing Access to Nature for People with Disabilities
First, we discuss federal policies that increase public recreation access to the outdoors, in order to understand how states have used this context to inform their own efforts to increase outdoor access. Using policy examples from twelve states (Alaska, California,...