EAC staff are collaborating with others at Rutgers and the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection to develop data, guidance and policy...

Real-Time Hydrological Observatory and ERDDAP Interface
A real-time water quality monitoring station has been deployed on the bottom of the Raritan River in the mid-channel in front of the Rutgers Class...

MERI – Spatial Distribution of Contaminants in Lower Raritan Sediments
This research study by the Meadowlands Environmental Research Institute (MERI) at Rutgers - Newark, aimed to fill in data gaps in river and marsh...
EAC Director Jeanne Herb joins in the Univ. of Pennsylvania Wharton School’s Digital Dialogue about improving disaster recovery of low income households
Join EAC Director Jeanne Herb in a Digital Dialogue about improving disaster recovery of low income households through The Wharton School,...

ArcGIS StoryMaps of Key Raritan Indicators
Key Raritan Indicators described through ArcGIS StoryMaps by Advanced Environmental Geomatics Students In the Spring of 2019, undergraduate students...

EPA Rutgers Raritan Data Project
The EPA Rutgers Raritan River Project was conducted to compile data related to point source and non-point source pollution and Superfund, Brownfield...
EAC director Jeanne Herb to participate in new project designed to develop an interactive shellfish aquaculture siting tool for New Jersey
Jeanne Herb, Executive Director of the Bloustein School's Environmental Analysis and Communications Group, will be working with Rutgers scientists...
EAC team produces report on health impacts of New Jersey’s draft Energy Master Plan
Rutgers scholars have been at the forefront of promoting Health in All Policies (HiAP) as a collaborative approach to reducing disparities and...
EAC Staff Develops Indicators of Health Inequities in New Jersey
With support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Culture of Health Leaders program, EAC staff are working to develop a set of health inequity...
Ten Mini-Grants Awarded for Research on the Raritan River, Basin and Bay
The Rutgers Raritan River Consortium (R3C) has awarded ten mini-grants to support research by Rutgers faculty, staff and post-doctoral researchers...
Recent Products
Special Issue Collection: Risk Communication during Crises and Chronic Exposures
Karen Lowrie co-edited a special issue for the journal Risk Analysis, supported by the Consortium for Risk Evaluation with Stakeholder Participation, that includes about 30 articles on the topic of effective methods for communicating risk during hazardous events and...
Annual Report on the Economic Impact of the Federal Historic Tax Credits for Fiscal Year 2021
The Federal Historic Tax Credit (HTC) is a Federal income tax credit that promotes the rehabilitation of income-producing historic properties. This study examines the economic impacts of the HTC (a 20% credit since 1986) by analyzing the economic consequences of the...
Transition Plan for the Return of Local Control to Jersey City Public Schools, Third Annual Report
This report is the third and potentially final report of the Department of Education’s (department) Comprehensive Accountability Office (CAO) concerning the final phase of the transition of the Jersey City Public Schools (district) from being a state supervised school...
Behaving or not? Explaining energy conservation via identity, values, and awareness in U.S. suburban homes
In this study, we compare electricity consumption of the suburban households with similar socio-economic, demographic, and geographic profiles to assess possible roles of social-psychological and behavioral factors. We examine the extent to which these factors...