Publications, reports, presentations, and more from our research.Use the drop-down menus in the table below to find all work products including Publications, Reports, and Models by Practice Area. Use specific keywords in the Search field to search for title, summary, and other fields displayed below. Use the up or down arrows to sort each column.
Title | Year | Practice Areas | Summary | hf:categories |
Tech Fitness for Local Elected Officials and Administrators | 2025 | Bloustein Local Government | A compilation of articles originally appearing in New Jersey Municipalities, a publication of the New Jersey state League of Municipalities. | local |
Calculators and Dashboards | 2025 | Built Environment & Green Building, Environmental Analysis & Communications, Urban Policy | Local Fiscal Impact Calculator Demographic Multipliers Elizabeth Air Quality Dashboard Acknowledgments: Financial support was provided … | green-buildings environmental policy |
The Future of New Jersey Journalism: Evolution, Not Extinction | 2025 | Bloustein Local Government | This two-part study examines the evolving landscape of state and local journalism in New Jersey during a critical transition from print to digital news delivery and challenges those changes mean for the publication of “official notices.” | local |
About Legal Advertising | 2025 | Bloustein Local Government | This second part of The Future of New Jersey Journalism: Evolution, Not Extinction examines the evolving landscape of legal advertising requirements in New Jersey amid significant changes in media publishing models. | local |
Key influences on residential photovoltaic solar panel adoption in the United States | 2024 | Built Environment & Green Building, Infrastructure Networks, Urban Policy | The prevalence of low-density residential development to host solar PV, the ubiquity of solar irradiation, and incentivizing policies have created substantial opportunities for homeowners in the United States. | green-buildings infrastructure-networks policy |
Stakeholder and Subject Matter Expert Feedback Regarding the Content of a New Jersey Ocean Acidification Action Plan | 2024 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | Written for the New Jersey Coastal Management Program in the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, this report summarizes stakeholder and subject matter expert feedback regarding the potential elements and content of a New Jersey Ocean Acidification (OA) Action Plan. | environmental |
AI in Local Government, Helpful or Harmful? | 2023 | Bloustein Local Government | For local governments, chatbots create exciting opportunities to improve customer service, automate tasks and cut costs. Marc Pfeiffer, uses Claude AI to help write two articles on how to best incorporate this new technology. | local |
TECH UPDATES: What Municipal CAOs Need to Know, Part 1: Tech Fitness and Cyber Hygiene | 2023 | Bloustein Local Government | Marc Pfeiffer explains that there are two basic elements of technology that every municipality must have: expert advice and backups. | local |
Monitoring summertime indoor overheating and pollutant risks and natural ventilation patterns of seniors in public housing. | 2023 | Built Environment & Green Building | Led by Ioanna Tsoulou, Ruikang He, Clint Andrews and Jen Senick, this study investigates exposures to summertime indoor overheating and airborne particulate matter (PM2.5) experienced by low-income seniors and explores the potential of natural ventilation on maintaining good indoor thermal conditions and air quality (IAQ). | green-buildings |
First, Do No Harm: Algorithms, AI, and Digital Product Liability | 2023 | Bloustein Local Government | This report authored by Marc Pfeiffer addresses the potential for algorithmic harm(s) are commonly reported to be found in (but are not limited to) technologies such as generative artificial intelligence chatbots, social media, virtual reality, Internet of Things, surveillance tech, robots, etc. | local |
Focus Group Synthesis for Increasing Access to Nature for People with Disabilities | 2023 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | Authored by Karen Alexander, Josephine O’Grady, and Jeanne Herb, this report shares the key findings from three focus groups with people with disabilities across New Jersey from March and April 2023 | environmental |
Research Summary of State Policies for Increasing Access to Nature for People with Disabilities | 2023 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | Authored by Josephine O’Grady and Jeanne Herb, this research summary discusses federal policies that increase public recreation access to the outdoors. | environmental |
Access to Nature for People with Disabilities: Barriers, Challenges, and Opportunities | 2023 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | Authored by Garin Bulger, this white paper explores the physical and mental health benefits of outdoor recreation and nature, focusing on | environmental |
Implementing the energy transition: lessons from New Jersey’s residential solar industry | 2023 | Built Environment & Green Building, Climate Change, Infrastructure Networks | This research by Kocakusak, Senick and Andrews investigates the effects of two countervailing forces – policy incentives and implementation disincentives – on residential solar adoption in New Jersey. | green-buildings climate infrastructure-networks |
Effect of heatwaves on PM2.5 levels in apartments of low-income elderly population. A case study using low-cost air quality monitors | 2023 | Built Environment & Green Building, Climate Change | Authored by Ruikang He, Ioanna Tsoulou, Sanjeevi Thirumurugesan, Brian Morgan, Stephania Gonzalez, Deborah Plotnik, Jennifer Senick, Clinton Andrews, Gediminas Mainelis, this article studies the effect of high outdoor temperatures on airborne particulate matter (PM2.5) in Elizabeth, NJ. | green-buildings climate |
Leading Practices for Proactive & Equitable Property Acquisitions to Enhance Climate Resilience: A Report on Best Practices in Managed Retreat | 2022 | Climate Change, Environmental Analysis & Communications | Authored by Bulger, B., & Balitsos, K., this three-month research effort was conducted to better understand programs, policies, and practices associated with managed retreat acquisition programs nationwide. | climate environmental |
Special Issue Collection: Risk Communication during Crises and Chronic Exposures | 2022 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | The project included interviews with 19 practitioners with lessons learned, as well as new empirical research and scientific background and historical pieces. | environmental |
Annual Report on the Economic Impact of the Federal Historic Tax Credits for Fiscal Year 2021 | 2022 | Urban Policy | The study utilizes the Preservation Economic Impact Model (PEIM), a comprehensive economic model developed by Rutgers University Center for Urban Policy Research for the National Park Service. | policy |
Transition Plan for the Return of Local Control to Jersey City Public Schools, Third Annual Report | 2022 | Bloustein Local Government | This report is the third and potentially final report of the Comprehensive Accountability Office concerning the final phase of the transition of the Jersey City Public Schools from being a state supervised school district to one with full local control. | local |
Behaving or not? Explaining energy conservation via identity, values, and awareness in U.S. suburban homes | 2022 | Built Environment & Green Building | Authored by Andrews, C.J and others. Comparing electricity consumption of suburban households with similar socio-economic, demographic, and geographic profiles to possible roles of social-psychological and behavioral factors. | green-buildings |
AI in Planning: Opportunities and Challenges and How to Prepare | 2022 | Built Environment & Green Building | Authored by Clinton Andrews, AICP, Keith Cooke, Alexsandra Gomez, Petra Hurtado, PhD, Thomas Sanchez, Sagar Shah, PhD, AICP, Norman Wright, AICP Summarizes finding and suggesting initial ideas on how planners can prepare for AI, its potential impacts, ensuring AI-based planning tools are used in equitable and inclusive ways, and developing and using AI-based planning tools. | green-buildings |
Planning the Built Environment and Land Use Towards Deep Decarbonization of the United States | 2022 | Built Environment & Green Building | Authored by David Hsu, Clinton J. Andrews, Albert T. Han, Carolyn G. Loh, Anna C. Osland, and Christopher P. Zegras, this article analyzes the consequences of deep decarbonization for the future speed, scale, scope, role, and relevance of planning. | green-buildings |
Economic Impacts of Historic Preservation in Florida | 2022 | Urban Policy | Authored by Listokin, D., Lahr, M.L., McLendon, T., Klein, J. This technical study examines the many substantial economic effects of historic preservation in Florida. | policy |
New Jersey 2020 and 2021 Retail Lighting Sales Data Analysis | 2022 | Built Environment & Green Building | An analysis of national lighting sales to assess the relative progress of LED market shares in states with retail lighting programs in comparison to non-program states prepared for the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (NJBPU), New Jersey’s Clean Energy Program, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Programs. | green-buildings |
Route 66, Revisited | 2022 | Urban Policy | Authored by Listokin, D., Wolf, R., Cofone, C., Kenah, J., Satish, N., Thompson, J., Yerdelenl, C., Yuqi H., & Tse, N. The current investigation comprises the detailed case study investigation of individual Route 66 communities. | policy |
New Jersey Energy Code Compliance Study | 2022 | Built Environment & Green Building | DNV and its study partner NMR completed the New Jersey Energy Code Compliance study for Rutgers, The State University and the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (NJBPU). | green-buildings |
Draft Report: New Jersey Non-Residential Lighting Market Characterization | 2022 | Built Environment & Green Building | The primary objective of this study was to assess the status of the C&I lighting market in New Jersey, completed on behalf of the Rutgers Center for Green Building, and the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (NJBPU) | green-buildings |
State of the Climate: New Jersey 2021 | 2022 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | This report by researchers summarizes the current scientific information on climate trends and projections within the state. | environmental |
Ten questions concerning agent-based modeling of occupant behavior for energy and environmental performance of buildings | 2022 | Built Environment & Green Building | Authored by Jeetika Malik, Ardeshir Mahdavi, Elie Azar, Handi Chandra Putra, Christiane Berger, Clinton Andrews, Tianzhen Hong. This paper presents ten questions that highlight the most important issues regarding ABM research and applications for occupant behavior in the context of building performance simulation. | green-buildings |
The Potential Economic Consequences of Flooding on Florida’s Historic Communities | 2022 | Urban Policy | Authored by Lahr, M., Ferreira,J.P., de la Calle, M., Qiao, X. Most important to the aims of this study, districts associated with businesses typically include the downtown areas, often the focus of tourism and small-scale, retail-oriented economic development efforts. | policy |
Middlesex County Hazard Mitigation Plan | 2022 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | The primary goal of the Hazard Mitigation Plan update is to learn from the past five years and reduce potential losses from future storm events and other natural hazards. | environmental |
Influence of biogeochemistry on the availability of toxic metals in iron-replete New Jersey sediment | 2021 | Raritan River Initiatives | Dr. Philip Sontag and Professor Katherine Dawson collaborated on a mini-grant project to understand the biogeochemical cycles of trace metal availability in the Fe rich sediment of the Raritan River. | raritan |
Annual Report on the Economic Impact of the Federal Historic Tax Credits for Fiscal Year 2020 | 2021 | Urban Policy | The study utilizes the Preservation Economic Impact Model (PEIM), a comprehensive economic model developed by Rutgers University Center for Urban Policy Research for the National Park Service. | policy |
Cost-Benefit Analysis of the NJCEP Energy Efficiency Programs: FY2018 Retrospective Summary Report & Avoided Costs | 2021 | Built Environment & Green Building | The Rutgers Center for Green Building is contracted by the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (NJBPU) to conduct cost-benefit analysis of the FY2018 residential, commercial and industrial New Jersey Clean Energy Program energy efficiency programs. | green-buildings |
Cost-Benefit Analysis of the NJCEP Energy Efficiency Programs: FY2017 Retrospective and FY2019 Summary Reports with Avoided Costs Commentary | 2021 | Built Environment & Green Building | The Rutgers Center for Green Building was asked by the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (NJBPU) to conduct a cost-benefit analysis of the FY2017 residential, commercial and industrial New Jersey Clean Energy Program energy efficiency programs. | green-buildings |
Development of Local Government Resilient Microgrids | 2021 | Bloustein Local Government | Authored by Marc H. Pfeiffer, MPA. The Report complements and extends the information presented in the Fact Sheets + Webinars section of | local |
Advancing Shared Solutions to Intersect Climate Action and Health Equity: Opportunities for NJ to advance health equity-informed climate solutions | 2021 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | In this report, the NJ Climate Change Alliance identifies short-term opportunities for local, regional and state actions in New Jersey. | environmental |
Advanced Clean Truck Rule Health Impact Assessment | 2021 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | The report offers a “health lens” through which to view some of the potential impacts of implementing elements of the rule and includes an emphasis on health equity. | environmental |
Co-production of Community-based Air Quality Education Intervention to Reduce Exposures for Health Promotion and Environmental Justice | 2021 | Built Environment & Green Building | Authored by Senick, J., Sorensen Allacci, M., He, R., Mainelis, G., Jones, P. This workshop shares knowledge and strategies related to building just communities and accessing just technologies in context of a 4-year campaign to co-produce a series of air quality interventions at a US Census low-income affordable housing site in Elizabeth, NJ, USA. | green-buildings |
Residential Indoor Air Quality Interventions through a Social-Ecological Systems Lens: A Systematic Review | 2021 | Built Environment & Green Building | Authored by Tsoulou, Ioanna; Senick, Jennifer; Kim, Sunyoung; Mainelis, Gedi. This study aimed to assess the impact of indoor air purification on cardiopulmonary biomarkers in young healthy adults using randomized crossover trial. | green-buildings |
Estimating lung deposition of fungal spores using actual airborne spore concentrations and physiological data | 2021 | Built Environment & Green Building | Authored by Secondo, Lynn; Sagona, Jessica; Calderon, Leonardo; Wang, Zuocheng; Plotnik, Debroah; Senick, Jennifer; Sorensen-Allacci, MaryAnn; Wener, Richard; Andrews, Clinton; Mainelis, Gediminas. This paper uses real-world environmental measurement data of total fungal spores using Air-o-Cell cassettes in 16 different apartments and residents’ physiological data in those apartments to predict respiratory deposition of the spores. | green-buildings |
Englewood Health Department Resident Health Needs and Program Recommendations | 2021 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | This report summarizes the findings of three phases of research conducted as part of the Healthy Communities Network grant awarded to the City of Englewood Health Department. | environmental |
HIA Training for Professionals: How a university-based center can help to build awareness and capacity | 2020 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | Authored by Lowrie, Karen W., Von Hagen, Leigh Ann. Faculty and research staff at the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy at Rutgers University assembled to foster healthy communities and bridge the gaps in connections and information-sharing between planners, public health professionals and policymakers to understand health outcomes in non-health policy and project decisions. | environmental |
Communicating about Contaminated Site Cleanup using Coordinated and Consistent Metrics | 2020 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | Authored by Lowrie, K., Mayer, H. and Greenberg, M. This manuscript asks how lessons drawn from risk communication literature can inform practices for communicating metrics related to cleanup progress at U.S Department of Energy former nuclear weapon sites to different audiences. | environmental |
A Climate Change Risk and Resilience Assessment of New Jersey’s National Guard Facilities | 2020 | Climate Change, Environmental Analysis & Communications | Recognizing the threats of climate change, the NJ Department of Military Affairs and Veteran Affairs engaged Rutgers University to prepare a Climate Change Risk and Resilience Assessment, identifying twelve (12) National Guard sites’ vulnerability to climate-related risks and threats. | climate environmental |
Evaluation of two low-cost PM monitors under different laboratory and indoor conditions | 2020 | Built Environment & Green Building | Authored by Ruikang He, Taewon Han, Daniel Bachman, Dominick J Carluccio, Rudolph Jaeger, Jie Zhang, Sanjeevi Thirumurugesan, Clinton Andrews & Gediminas Mainelis. This study evaluated three Foobot units and three AirVisual Nodes in two laboratory environments and in one residential apartment when measuring five types of aerosols. | green-buildings |
An integrated model of real estate market responses to coastal flooding | 2020 | Built Environment & Green Building, Climate Change | Authored by Chandra-Putra H, Andrews C.J. This paper introduces an integrated agent-based and hedonic pricing modeling system to simulate coastal real estate market performance under non-equilibrium conditions that reflect the effects of storm events. | green-buildings climate |
Transition Plan for the Return of Local Control to Paterson Public Schools, Second Annual Report | 2020 | Bloustein Local Government | The progress report uses a scorecard to track whether the district is carrying out the activities in the transition plan, such as choosing and evaluating a new superintendent, ensuring that school board members attend training sessions and submit a balanced budget. | local |
Presence and variability of culturable bioaerosols in three multi-family apartment buildings with different ventilation systems in the Northeastern US | 2020 | Built Environment & Green Building | Authored by Thomas Myers, Nirmala, Calderόn, Leonardo, Pavilonis, Brian, Wang, Zuocheng, Xiong, Youyou, Sorensen-Allacci, MaryAnn, Plotnik, Deborah, Senick, Jennifer, Gong, Jie, Krogmann, Uta, Andrews, Clinton J., Mainelis, Gediminas. In 2011-2015, the presence and seasonal variability of culturable fungi and bacteria in three multi-family apartment buildings and correlated the bioaerosol concentrations with building ventilation system types and environmental parameters were examined. | green-buildings |
Opportunities to Address Ocean Acidification Impacts in New Jersey | 2020 | Climate Change, Environmental Analysis & Communications | The New Jersey Coastal Management Program engaged a team at Rutgers University to offer insights as to potential approaches that the CMP could undertake to initiate a focused ocean acidification effort in New Jersey. | climate environmental |
Ecological Monitoring and Mitigation Policies and Practices at Offshore Wind Installations in the United States and Europe | 2020 | Climate Change, Environmental Analysis & Communications | Authored by Allen, Michael C. & Campo, Matthew. This white paper informs government officials, scientists, and stakeholders in New Jersey about the current policies and monitoring methods other jurisdictions use to monitor potential ecological impacts from offshore wind installations. | climate environmental |
Training Students to Improve Coastal Resilience | 2020 | Built Environment & Green Building, Climate Change | Authored by Ferraro, C., Jordan, R., Kopp, R. E., Bond, S. L., Gong, J., Andrews, C. J., Auermuller, L. M., Herb, J., & McDonnell, J. Addressing risks posed by changing climate conditions in coastal areas demands innovative strategies that intersect multiple disciplines including engineering, ecology, communication, climate science, and community planning. | green-buildings climate |
Toward a research agenda on climate‐related migration | 2020 | Built Environment & Green Building, Climate Change | Authored by Andrews, C. J. This article proposes a migration-oriented research agenda for industrial ecology based on an examination of migration flows and ways of thinking about them, variations across contexts, implications for infrastructure and housing, the framing of climate-related migration, and short-term and longer-term fluctuations in the demand for shelter and services in high- and low-income countries. | green-buildings climate |
Co-Creation of New Jersey’s 1st Health and Food Systems Municipal Master Plan Element | 2020 | Built Environment & Green Building | Authored by Senick, J. A comprehensive plan that provides a long-range vision for the built environment of a community. It guides the appropriate use of lands within a municipality in order to protect the public health and safety and to promote general welfare. | green-buildings |
Energy Technologies as Social Innovations | 2020 | Built Environment & Green Building | Authored by Senick, J. This research aims to answer the question: how do organizational use structures influence energy technology outcomes in tenanted office buildings in the US? | green-buildings |
Hometown Dashboard: Smart Cities Technologies for Improving Quality of Life | 2020 | Built Environment & Green Building | Authored by Andrews, C., Senick, J. Tsoulou, I., Putra, H.C., Metaxas, D., Kapadia, M., Mittler, Gayle B. Hometown Dashboard is a proposed set of smart city technologies for improving Quality of Life (QoL) in small towns and cities, which often cannot afford custom apps and in-house smart-community capabilities. | green-buildings |
Change of Occupancy Building Code Change Proposal | 2020 | Built Environment & Green Building | Authored by Senick, J., Hattis, D., Andrews, C., Listokin, D. and Souder, J. | green-buildings |
RECON Forecast August 2020 – NJ’s Pandemic Recovery and the Revised State Budget | 2020 | Rutgers Economic Advisory Service | R/ECON’s New Jersey forecast for August 2020 reveals a state still recovering from an economic lockdown caused the COVID-19 pandemic. | rutgers-economic-advisory-service |
An integrated model of the real estate market responses to coastal flooding | 2020 | Built Environment & Green Building, Climate Change | Authored by Chandra-Putra, H., and C.J. Andrews. This paper introduces an integrated agent-based and hedonic pricing modeling system to simulate coastal real estate market performance under non-equilibrium conditions that reflect the effects of storm events. | green-buildings climate |
Designing to Engage Children in Monitoring Indoor Air Quality: A Participatory Approach | 2020 | Built Environment & Green Building | Authored by Kim, Sunyoung, Li, Muyang, Senick, Jennifer, Mainelis, Gediminas. This paper describes an effort to engage children directly in the design of an IAQ visualization interface for children. | green-buildings |
Environmental Justice and Social Injustice: Ethnic, Racial, Economic and Other Marginalized People and Communities | 2020 | Climate Change | Editors, Burger, Johanna, Michael Greenberg and Karen Lowrie This virtual issue provides a compendium of papers from the 1980’s through the present that examine some of the risks and disadvantages that people and communities experience as a result of environmental injustices. | climate |
Transition Plan for the Return of Local Control to Newark Public Schools Final Report | 2020 | Bloustein Local Government | Our Local Government Research group analyzed and evaluated the documentation provided by the district and produced the final ‘Transition Plan for the Return of Local Control to Newark Public Schools” progress report submitted to the New Jersey Board of Education. | local |
Nuclear Power, Weapons and Waste Management: A 40-year Retrospective | 2020 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | Editors Greenberg, M., J. Burger and K. Lowrie. The aim of this virtual issue is to provide a compendium of papers that examines the range of risks and benefits of nuclear power, weapons production, waste management, and associated human dimensions of these risks and benefits to society and individuals. | environmental |
A Seat at the Table: Integrating the Needs and Challenges of Underrepresented and Socially Vulnerable Populations into Coastal Hazards Planning in New Jersey | 2020 | Climate Change, Environmental Analysis & Communications | Researchers Jeanne Herb and Lisa Auermuller report, through a NOAA national Project of Special Merit, have developed decision-support tools, resilience planning guidance, and training and policy options to advance efforts to address the needs of socially vulnerable populations as part of coastal climate resilience planning. | climate environmental |
Summertime Thermal Conditions and Senior Resident Behaviors in Public Housing: A Case Study in Elizabeth,NJ, USA | 2020 | Built Environment & Green Building | Authored by Tsoulou, Ioanna; Andrews, Clinton J.; He, Ruikang; Mainelis, Gediminas; Senick, Jennifer This paper examines the summertime thermal performance of 24 senior apartments within 3 public housing sites and the seniors’ adaptive responses in Elizabeth, NJ, USA. | green-buildings |
Federal Tax Incentives for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2019 | 2020 | Urban Policy | The Federal Historic Preservation Tax Incentives Program, administered by the National Park Service in partnership with the State Historic Preservation Offices, is the nation’s most effective program to promote historic preservation and community revitalization through historic rehabilitation. | policy |
Managing Technology in Local Government: Cybersecurity, Risk and Proficiency | 2020 | Bloustein Local Government | Authored by Pfeiffer, H.M MPA, the report comprises a set of minimum standards and management practices that will provide a reasonable level of proficiency, protection, and sustainability for small and medium-sized government organizations. | local |
Transition Plan for the Return of Local Control to Jersey City Public Schools, First Annual Report | 2020 | Bloustein Local Government | The progress report uses a scorecard to track whether the district is carrying out the activities in the transition plan, such as choosing and evaluating a new superintendent, ensuring that school board members attend training sessions and submit a balanced budget. | local |
Home Energy Efficiency and Health: Connections for Vulnerable Populations | 2020 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | Authored by Lowrie, Karen. This report summarizes some of the recent scientific literature that connects energy efficiency to health, and to present a set of insights informed by these findings. | environmental |
Application of three different data streams to study building deficiencies, indoor air quality, and residents’ health | 2020 | Built Environment & Green Building | Authored by Thomas Myers, Nirmala; Calderόn, Leonardo; Senick, Jennifer; Sorensen Allacci, MaryAnn; Plotnik, Deborah; Guo, Mengyang; Yu, Yi; Gong, Jie; Andrews, Clinton J.; Mainelis, Gediminas. This project investigated the potential to use, integrate, and correlate traditional indoor air quality. | green-buildings |
Transition Plan for the Return of Local Control to Paterson Public Schools, First Annual Report | 2020 | Bloustein Local Government | The progress report uses a scorecard to track whether the district is carrying out the activities in the transition plan, such as choosing and evaluating a new superintendent, ensuring that school board members attend training sessions and submit a balanced budget. | local |
Transition Plan for the Return of Local Control to Newark Public Schools Interim Report | 2019 | Bloustein Local Government | This report of the Comprehensive Accountability Office (CAO) concerns the final phase of the transition of the Newark Public Schools from being a state supervised school district to one with full local control. | local |
A Seat at the Table: Integrating the Needs and Challenges of Underrepresented and Socially Vulnerable Populations into Coastal Hazards Planning in New Jersey | 2019 | Climate Change, Environmental Analysis & Communications | Authored by Herb, Jeanne, Lowrie, Karen, Auermuller, Lisa Findley, Patricia. The Rutgers team conducted more than 20 key informants and four focus group, three of which were with residents in Camden, Newark and Perth Amboy and one of which was with voluntary organizations that are active after disasters. | climate environmental |
The Potential and Pitfalls for Battery Storage in New Jersey | 2019 | Built Environment & Green Building | … | green-buildings |
Heat Waves, Seniors, and Low-Income Housing: Organizational Factors in Individual Adaptive Behavior | 2019 | Built Environment & Green Building | Authored by Senick, Jennifer, Tsoulou, Ioanna, Andrews, Clinton, Mainelis, Gediminas, He, Ruikang, Plotnik, Deborah. A presentation on Heat Waves, Seniors, and Low-Income Housing: Organizational Factors in Individual Adaptive Behavior IFoU 12th Annual Conference Beyond Resilience Universitas Tarumanangara, Jakarta 27-29 June 2019 | green-buildings |
Cost-Effective Methods for Detection and Improvements of Energy Performance & Indoor Air Quality | 2019 | Built Environment & Green Building | A presentation by Dr. Jennifer Senick on the Cost-Effective Methods for Detection & Improvement of Indoor Air Quality. | green-buildings |
Humanizing Building Technology and Experience: a Collaborative Forum for Re-envisioning Sustainable, Healthy Buildings and Occupants | 2019 | Built Environment & Green Building | Authored by Senick, Jennifer, Andrews, Clinton, Wang, Nora, Phelan, Patrick, Wener, Richard, this paper develops a typology of categories of evidence and of the routes by which evidence influences design. | green-buildings |
Annual Report on the Economic Impact of the Federal Historic Tax Credit for FY 2018 | 2019 | Urban Policy | The study utilizes the Preservation Economic Impact Model (PEIM), a comprehensive economic model development by Rutgers University Center for Urban Policy Research for the National Park Service. | policy |
Using Computer Simulations to Understand Sustainable Lifestyles and Behaviour | 2019 | Built Environment & Green Building | Authored by Craig, Tony, Wener, Richard, Garcia Mira, Ricardo, Senick, Jennifer. Symposium: Using Computer Simulations to Understand Sustainable Lifestyles and Behavior. | green-buildings |
University of the Future | 2019 | Built Environment & Green Building | … | green-buildings |
Laying the Groundwork for Dementia Friendly City Centers: Community Visioning and Outcomes | 2019 | Built Environment & Green Building | Authored by Roberts, Emily, Anderzhon, Jeff, Hiatt, Lorraine, Sodo, Jennifer, Fonseca Pereira, Gabriela, Senick, Jennifer. The publication describes a participatory planning process and the supporting highlights of information used to develop Dementia Friendly City Centers. | green-buildings |
Longevity Economy: Creating Opportunities for Growth, Health and Wellness | 2019 | Built Environment & Green Building | … | green-buildings |
Innovation for Dementia Care: Results of a recent workshop in Oklahoma City | 2019 | Built Environment & Green Building | Authored by Senick, Jennifer, Roberts, Emily. This project aims to present the results of a recent workshop in Oklahoma City on dementia care. | green-buildings |
Communicating About Flood Risks to Real Estate Markets | 2019 | Built Environment & Green Building | Authored by Senick, Jennifer, Andrews, Clinton, Pfeiffer, Marc, Manzella, Mike. This project presents research sponsored by the New Jersey Sea Grant Consortium (NJSGC) with funds from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). | green-buildings |
The New Jersey Draft Energy Master Plan: Opportunities to Integrate Health and Health Equity | 2019 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | Authored by Lowrie, Karen W. and Leigh Ann Von Hagen. The report offers a “health lens” through which to view some of the potential impacts of implementing elements of the Energy Master Plan. | environmental |
Rutgers researchers examine opportunities for state climate policies to advance equity | 2019 | Climate Change, Environmental Analysis & Communications | The report finds the states in an active “period of innovation”, trying pilots and new approaches to address this intersection of equity and state climate policy, from which best practices will emerge. | climate environmental |
Delaware River Watershed Initiative Restoration and Land Protection Practice Diffusion Survey | 2019 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | This survey aims to find out if organizations that are not funded by NFWF’s DRWI program have undertaken restoration and land protection efforts in or near the DRWI cluster and Delaware River watershed boundaries. | environmental |
Intersection of Race, Income and Environmental Factors in New Jersey: A Screening Analysis | 2019 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | Authored by Whytlaw, Jennifer, J. Herb, and M. Greenberg. The focus of this project is on examining “upstream” or social determinants of health. The EAC team developed a screening approach to better understand disproportionate environmental burden as a potential indicator of health inequity. Additional indicators are under development. | environmental |
NJ Multifamily Baseline Study | 2019 | Built Environment & Green Building | Through the study, data was collected for a sample of multifamily properties in New Jersey that can be used to establish a baseline profile of building characteristics and appliance types in the multifamily market segment. Report prepared for the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (NJBPU), New Jersey’s Clean Energy Program, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Programs. | green-buildings |
Powers of Division: “Smart” Spaces as Controlling Workplace Activity Fragmentation | 2019 | Built Environment & Green Building | Authored by Stiles, J., and Andrews, C. This article argues that “smart” workspaces are created through access to wireless networks and mobile cloud computing collaboration software. | green-buildings |
Improving Air Quality in Your Home | 2019 | Built Environment & Green Building | This guide presents some suggestions that you can follow to improve Indoor Air Quality in your home. | green-buildings |
State of the Raritan Report, Volume 2 | 2019 | Raritan River Initiatives | Authored by Malone, S.J., R.G. Lathrop, E. Pyshnik, J. Blum, J. Whytlaw, and J. Bognar. Rutgers University’s Sustainable Raritan River Initiative has released, The State of the Raritan Report, Volume 2 continues efforts to update key indicators of water quality and watershed health for the Raritan River basin. | raritan |
Improving Air Quality: A Guide for Property Owners | 2019 | Built Environment & Green Building | This guide provides an overview of air improvement strategies that fall within the purview of property owners and managers. Moreover, the guide places greater emphasis on air quality improvement strategies that double as effective heatwave resiliency measures. | green-buildings |
Green and Resilient: Synergies and Implementation Strategies for Emergency Shelters | 2019 | Built Environment & Green Building | This white paper (aka Shelter Safe) demonstrates how resiliency, “the ability to prepare and plan for, absorb, recover from, and more successfully adapt to adverse events” (The National Academy of Sciences, 2012, p.1) may be increased by incorporating green building strategies into emergency shelters. | green-buildings |
Assessing “green” and “resilient” building features using a purposeful systems approach | 2019 | Built Environment & Green Building | Authored by Hewitt, Elizabeth; Oberg, Angela; Coronado, Carla; Andrews, Clinton. This paper questions the relevance of green building features to support resilience during a disruption, relying on fieldwork conducted at a green multifamily building before and after the 2012 Hurricane Sandy | green-buildings |
Climate Change Attitudes in New Jersey | 2019 | Climate Change, Environmental Analysis & Communications | Authored by Koning, Al, C. Zukin, W. Young, K. Morgan. This report assesses New Jerseyans knowledge and feelings about climate change’s causes, its impact on the environment, how it might affect them in the future, and actions they might take to prepare for it. | climate environmental |
An Overview of State Coastal Zone Management Policies Designed to Promote Coastal Resilience | 2019 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | Authored by Herb, J, M. Kaplan, M. Campo, S. Kennedy, A. Wainwright, and H. Berman. Rutgers researchers report examining efforts in 15 states across the country designed to promote coastal resilience with an emphasis on sea-level rise programs and policies. | environmental |
Investigation of Indoor Air Quality Determinants in a Field Study using Three Different Data Streams | 2019 | Built Environment & Green Building | This project investigated the potential to use, integrate, and correlate traditional indoor air quality investigation data and the use of questionnaires with spatially resolved infrared thermography imaging to investigate building deficiencies and their role in indoor air quality and residents’ health in two residential multi-apartment buildings. | green-buildings |
Best Innovative Practices for Achieving Energy Efficiency in Commercial and Multi-Family Buildings through Land Use Planning and Zoning Regulations, Policies and Incentives | 2019 | Built Environment & Green Building, Presentations | Van Epp, T.; Senick; J. and Souder, J. (2015). Best Innovative Practices for Achieving Energy … | green-buildings presentations |
Acknowledging culture within cultures: Behavioral interventions for improving health outcomes in green buildings | 2019 | Built Environment & Green Building, Presentations | Sorensen Allacci, M., Senick, J., Plotnik, D. (2015). Acknowledging culture within cultures: Behavioral interventions for improving health … | green-buildings presentations |
Comparison of different models to estimate inhalation exposures to mold spores in a multi-apartment residential green building | 2019 | Built Environment & Green Building, Presentations | Sagona, J., Calderón, L., Xiong, Y., Wang, Z., Senick, J., Sorensen-Allacci, M.A., Plotnik, D., Wener, … | green-buildings presentations |
Airborne Particulate Matter Exposure in Green Multi-family Buildings | 2019 | Built Environment & Green Building, Presentations | Patton, A.. Calderón, L. Xiong, Y., Wang, Z. Senick, J., Sorensen-Allacci, M.A., Plotnik, D., Wener, … | green-buildings presentations |
Application of different models to estimate inhalation exposures to mold spores in a multi-apartment residential green building | 2019 | Built Environment & Green Building, Presentations | Sagona, J., Calderón, L., Wang, Z., Senick, J., Sorensen-Allacci, M.A., Plotnik, D., Wener, R., Andrews, … | green-buildings presentations |
Exposure to Airborne Particulate Matter in Multi-family Green Buildings | 2019 | Built Environment & Green Building, Presentations | Patton, A., Calderón, L,. Xiong, Y., Wang, Z , Senick, J., Sorensen-Allacci, M.A., Plotnik, D., … | green-buildings presentations |
Saving energy while revitalizing older downtowns | 2019 | Built Environment & Green Building | … | green-buildings |
Plan4Health: Partnering Across Sectors | 2019 | Built Environment & Green Building, Presentations | Hartig, E., Senick, J., Peterson, J., Missy, D. Plan4Health: Partnering Across Sectors. American Planning Association … | green-buildings presentations |
Change of Occupancy Building Code Change Proposal | 2019 | Built Environment & Green Building, Presentations | Senick, J., Hattis, D., Andrews, C., Listokin, D. and Souder, J. Change of Occupancy Building … | green-buildings presentations |
Hometown Dashboard: Smart Cities Technologies for Improving Quality of Life-Highland Park, NJ | 2019 | Built Environment & Green Building | … | green-buildings |
Co-Creation of New Jersey’s 1st Health and Food Systems Municipal Master Plan Element | 2019 | Built Environment & Green Building, Presentations | Senick, J. Co-Creation of New Jersey’s 1st Health and Food Systems Municipal Master Plan Element. … | green-buildings presentations |
Using synthetic population data for prospective modeling of occupant behavior during design | 2019 | Built Environment & Green Building | Authored by C.J. Andrews, M. Sorensen Allacci, J.A. Senick, H. Chandra Putra, and I. Tsoulou. This paper addresses the challenge of incorporating occupant behavior into building performance simulation models used during the design process—that is, before the actual occupants are known. | green-buildings |
Non-Consumptive Recreational Use Survey Results | 2019 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | Authored by Whytlaw, Jennifer, Kevin Hassell, Doug Simpson, Nick Meade, Kate Morrison, Jeanne Herb, Aashna Jain. The objective of this analysis was to understand non-consumptive recreational uses in the Mid- Atlantic Region and to identify specific conflicts identified by users. | environmental |
Planning for Healthy Communities | 2019 | Built Environment & Green Building | … | green-buildings |
Understanding Apartment End Use Water Consumption in Two Green Residential Multistory Buildings | 2019 | Built Environment & Green Building | Authored by Jordán-Cuebas, F., Krogmann, U., Andrews, C.J., Senick, J.A., Hewitt, E.L., Wener, R.E., Sorensen Allaci, M.A., Plotnik, D. The objective of this study was to gain a better understanding of the drivers of indoor water consumption in urban multistory residential buildings, to accurately predict residential water demand, and identify water saving opportunities. | green-buildings |
Sensing the invisible: Understanding the perception of indoor air quality among children in low-income families | 2019 | Built Environment & Green Building | Authored by Sunyoung Kim, Jennifer Senick, Gediminas Mainelis. This publication discusses how its findings could be applied to the future design of persuasive IAQ monitoring technologies. | green-buildings |
Planning for Healthy Outdoor Spaces for Older Adults | 2018 | Environmental Analysis & Communications, Studio | Authored by Lowrie, K. Bell, A. Kapahi, V. Kopsco, A. Kusi, J. Kwan, M. Gonzalez, J. Henderson, I.& Schkrutz, E. The Housing Authority of Elizabeth, in conjunction with Jewish Family Services of Central NJ, requested Rutgers to provide recommendations on how to improve the outdoor spaces of J. William Farley Towers, a low-income, public-housing building for older adults in Elizabeth, NJ. | environmental studio |
Executive Synthesis: Tourism, Heritage Tourism, And Enhancing Knowledge of Route 66 Tourism | 2018 | Urban Policy | Authored by Listokin, D., Lahr, M., Heydt, C., Berger, J., & Schkrutz, E. This study by Rutgers University first examines tourism and heritage tourism in the eight Route 66 states, including the significant economic impacts from such travel activity. | policy |
Annual Report on the Economic Impact of the Federal Historic Tax Credit for FY 2017 | 2018 | Urban Policy | This analysis focuses on the economic effects of these projects during construction, quantifying the total economic impacts for Fiscal Year 2017, beginning October 1, 2016, and ending September 30, 2017, and for the period since the program’s inception. | policy |
Risk Analysis Special Issue: Preparing for, Responding to, and Recovering from Hurricane Flooding Disasters | 2018 | Climate Change, Environmental Analysis & Communications | This special virtual issue of Risk Analysis, prepared a year after Harvey and in the wake of Florence, offers insights on how best to anticipate, communicate, manage, mitigate, respond to, recover from, and learn from such disasters. | climate environmental |
New Jersey Homeowner’s Guide to Property Taxes | 2018 | Bloustein Local Government | Authored by Marc Pfieffer with NJCPA, New Jersey Realtors, and the Association of Municipal Assessors of NJ to offer Garden State residents this comprehensive guide to understanding property taxes. | local |
Life Cycle Cost Analysis of the New Jersey Meadowlands Commission Center for Environmental and Scientific Education Building | 2018 | Built Environment & Green Building | Authored by Krogmann, U., Minderman, N., Senick, J. and Andrews, C.J. To better understand the costs and benefits that will accrue from the decision to make this a green building, the NJMC has contracted the Rutgers Center for Green Building to conduct a Life Cycle Cost Analysis of the building using the building plans and specifications as inputs to the analysis. | green-buildings |
Indoor air quality in green buildings: A case-study in a residential high-rise building in the northeastern US. | 2018 | Built Environment & Green Building | Authored by Xiong, U. Krogmann, G. Mainelis, L. Rodenberg, C.J. Andrews. In this case annual indoor air quality measurements were conducted in a residential green high-rise building for five consecutive years by an industrial hygiene contractor to comply with the building’s GBTC requirements. | green-buildings |
Managing Heat Waves in Affordable Housing – Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) | 2018 | Built Environment & Green Building | Results of a new study of how residents cope with heat waves at the Housing Authority of the City of Elizabeth, New Jersey (HACE). | green-buildings |
The Role of Buildings in Climate Adaptation. Climate Change Preparedness in New Jersey | 2018 | Built Environment & Green Building | Authored by Jennifer Senick and Elizabeth Hewitt. The Rutgers Center for Green Building (RCGB) has partnered with the New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance (NJCAA) to assist in NJCAA’s development of a set of recommendations to further the State’s climate change preparedness in the buildings sector. | green-buildings |
EAC Director and Interim Dean Michael R. Greenberg publishes new book making connections between urban planning and public health | 2018 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | EAC Director and Interim Dean Michael R. Greenberg publishes new book making connections between urban planning and public health. | environmental |
Woodbridge Township Creative Placemaking Plan | 2018 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | Woodbridge contracted with Bloustein to continue their efforts for a more sustainable community through the development of a creative placemaking plan. | environmental |
Building a Culture of Health in the City of New Brunswick | 2018 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | … | environmental |
Building Bridges to Better Health: A Blueprint for Action in Bound Brook and South Bound Brook | 2018 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | A Leadership Team was convened to create this Blueprint for Action to advance systematic change that will enhance overall health and wellness and health equity in the Somerset County towns of Bound Brook and South Bound Brook. | environmental |
Outcomes of State Programs Trainings: Mid-Atlantic Regional Ocean Data Portal | 2018 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | … | environmental |
Developing a Data Portal to Support Regional Ocean Planning | 2018 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | The Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal is an online toolkit and resource center that consolidates available data and enables state, federal, and local users and the general public to visualize and analyze ocean resources and human use information. | environmental |
New Brunswick Parks Strategic Action Plan | 2018 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | This report contains park-specific recommendations for each of the 16 parks, as well as systemwide park recommendations for implementation. | environmental |
Employing the UN SDGs as an Organizing Framework for Research and Action | 2017 | Built Environment & Green Building | … | green-buildings |
Instrumentation in Behavioral Research: Heat Waves, Seniors, and Low-Income Housing | 2017 | Built Environment & Green Building | … | green-buildings |
Sustainable Behavior and Planning Models for Healthy Cities | 2017 | Built Environment & Green Building | … | green-buildings |
City of Perth Amboy 2nd Street Park Concept Design | 2017 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | Authored by Carnegie, J., W. Hoefer, R. Alomar, S. Malone, S. Meehan, T. Sanchez. A team from Rutgers developed a concept design to convert a contaminated site into a community park that meets the needs and interests of the surrounding neighborhood residents. | environmental |
The City of New Brunswick Municipal Public Access Plan | 2017 | Raritan River Initiatives | Authored by Karen Lowrie. This project involved development of a Municipal Public Access Plan for the City of New Brunswick, which is located at the top of the tidal reach for the Raritan River. | raritan |
Role of Local Planners in Preparing for Climate Change | 2017 | Climate Change | … | climate |
Climate Resiliency at the Local Level | 2017 | Climate Change | … | climate |
Climate Adaption Planning at the Jersey Shore: One Planner’s Experience | 2017 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | … | environmental |
Bloomfield Ave. Complete Corridor Health Impact Assessment | 2017 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | Authored by Lowrie, K., L.A. Von Hagen and E. Sewll. The New Jersey Health Impact Collaborative at Rutgers University conducted a Health Impact Assessment with a Local Demonstration Project funded by Together North Jersey. | environmental |
Mystic Island Voluntary Buyout Health Impact Assessment: Assessing Health Outcomes of Post-Sandy Decision-Making | 2017 | Climate Change, Environmental Analysis & Communications | Authored by Lowrie, K., D. Kutner. This HIA considers the health impacts of a hypothetical buyout program scenario in Little Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey for residents of Mystic Island, a community within the township that suffered significant damage from Hurricane Sandy in 2012. | climate environmental |
The New Jersey Industrial Survey Project N.J.A.C.7:1F 1979-1982 | 2017 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | Between 1979 and 1982, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection conducted the Industrial Survey … | environmental |
Pathways to State Pollution Prevention Regulatory Integration: The SPRINT Compendium | 2017 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | This report presents the result of Phase I of the State Pollution Prevention Regulatory Integration Initiative (SPRINT). | environmental |
Making Environmental Public Reporting a Foundation for Regulatory Reform | 2017 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | Making Environmental Public Reporting a Foundation for Regulatory Reform, Prepared for a publication of the … | environmental |
The National Environmental Performance Partnership System: Making Good on Its Promise? | 2017 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | … | environmental |
Beyond Experiments | 2017 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | … | environmental |
Towards Integrated Approaches to Compliance Assurance | 2017 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | Authored by Crow, Michael; Herb, Jeanne; Stoughton, Mark; Sullivan, Jennifer. This study examined six of EPA’s national and regional integrated compliance assurance initiatives in detail, using publicly available documents, internal documentation, and extensive interviews. | environmental |
Electric Vehicles: Current Industry Position, Technology Issues and Available Incentives: A Growing Auto Investor Issue | 2017 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | … | environmental |
Engaging Communities in New Jersey to Apply Environmental Public Health Tracking Data | 2017 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | … | environmental |
Resilience. Preparing New Jersey for Climate Change: A Gap Analysis from the New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance | 2017 | Climate Change | This report is an essential step toward the goal of developing policy recommendations to enhance climate change preparedness. | climate |
Post Sandy Policy Gaps and Responses | 2017 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | … | environmental |
Resilience. Preparing New Jersey for Climate Change: Policy Considerations from the New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance | 2017 | Climate Change | This report builds upon the December 2013 report by identifying recommendations that correspond to the six major categories in the gap analysis. | climate |
Integrating Health into Community Design and Decision-making: Opportunities for New Jersey Municipalities | 2017 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | … | environmental |
2012 Update to New Jersey’s Statewide Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory | 2017 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | This report prepared by Michael Aucott, Ph.D., Marjorie Kaplan, Dr.P.H., and Jeanne Herb. updates New Jersey’s estimated total greenhouse gas emissions as reported in New Jersey’s Statewide Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory. | environmental |
Advancing Preparedness of Climate Change Impacts on Coastal Communities in the Mid-Atlantic: MARCO Climate Preparedness and Hazard Resilience Capacity | 2017 | Climate Change | This report, led by Matt Campo and Jeanne Herb addressed shared regional priorities to improve ocean health, quality of life, and the economic vitality of the Mid-Atlantic region and provide a collective voice. | climate |
Using Geographic Tools to identify industrial and commercial facilities for which pollution prevention efforts may reduce exposure to hazards associated with climate-related flooding | 2017 | Climate Change | Authored by Herb, J., J Whytlaw, and M. Campo. This project identified active industrial and commercial facilities in NJ that may be subject to impacts from flood hazards resulting from changing climate conditions. | climate |
Assessing New Jersey’s Exposure to Sea-Level Rise and Coastal Storms: A Companion Report to the New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance Science and Technical Advisory Panel Report | 2017 | Climate Change | Authored by Kaplan, M., M. Campo, L. Auermuller, and J. Herb. This project helped to identify planning options for practitioners to enhance the resilience of New Jersey’s people, places, and assets to regional sea-level rise, coastal storms, and the resulting flood risk. CUPR researchers included Jeanne Herb and Matt Campo. | climate |
Assessing New Jersey’s Exposure to Sea-Level Rise and Coastal Storms: Report of the New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance Science and Technical Advisory Panel | 2017 | Climate Change | Authored by Clinton Andrews, Jeanne Herb, and Matt Campo. This report helped identify planning options for practitioners to enhance the resilience of New Jersey’s people, places, and assets to regional sea-level rise, coastal storms, and the resulting flood risk. | climate |
State of the Raritan Report, Volume 1 | 2017 | Raritan River Initiatives | The report provides an assessment of how and where the Raritan watershed is changing with important implications for planning, policy and decision-making at the federal, state and local levels. | raritan |
An Examination of Policy Options for Achieving Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions in New Jersey | 2017 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | Authored by J. Herb and J. Senick. This report explores policy options for the State of New Jersey in advancing statutory limits to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. CUPR Co-authors include Jeanne Herb and Jennifer Senick. | environmental |
Understanding Climate Change and Flood Risk for New Jersey’s Senior Citizens | 2017 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | … | environmental |
Populations Vulnerable to Climate Change in New Jersey: Update of a Statistical Analysis | 2017 | Climate Change | Authored by Michael Greenberg, Ph.D., Jeanne Herb. The purpose of this paper is to characterize and locate populations vulnerable to climate change in the state of New Jersey. | climate |
New Jersey Climate and Health Profile Report | 2017 | Climate Change | Authored by Deanna Moran, Jennifer Whytlaw, Jeanne Herb, and Marjorie Kaplan, Dr.P.H. The New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance has developed this Climate and Health Profile Report in accordance with the BRACE Step 1 guidelines (CDC 2014) and with its Climate Change and Public Health Working Group. | climate |
Impacts of Nature-based Solutions: Developing the Evidence Base | 2017 | Built Environment & Green Building | … | green-buildings |
Plan Alignment: Creating Comprehensive Health Plans | 2017 | Built Environment & Green Building | Authored by Senick, Jennifer. This session highlights lessons learned from 3 Plan4Health communities as well as recommendations from the American Hospital Association. | green-buildings |
Managing Heat Waves in Affordable Housing – American Planning Association 2018 National Planning Conference | 2017 | Built Environment & Green Building | This study examines how residents cope with heat waves at the Housing Authority of the City of Elizabeth, New Jersey. | green-buildings |
Characterizing Human Behavior across Scales from Building to City | 2017 | Built Environment & Green Building, Presentations | Andrews, C. J., Mainelis, G., Senick, J., Tsoulou, I., Thirumurugesan, S., Morgan, B., He, R., … | green-buildings presentations |
Application of Consumer-grade Sensors to Study the Effect of Heatwaves on Indoor Air Quality. | 2017 | Built Environment & Green Building | … | green-buildings |
How do Heat Waves affect Seniors living in Affordable Housing? | 2017 | Built Environment & Green Building | … | green-buildings |
How seniors living in public housing cope with heat waves | 2017 | Built Environment & Green Building | … | green-buildings |
Planning for Behavior Change towards Sustainability | 2017 | Built Environment & Green Building | … | green-buildings |
Recommendations for Building Resilient Coastal Communities in New Jersey | 2017 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | To assist New Jersey communities after Superstorm Sandy with their long-term resilience efforts, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection’s Coastal Management Program developed the Resilient Coastal Communities Initiative. | environmental |
Highland Park Solar Islanding Project | 2017 | Built Environment & Green Building | This report analyzes the power demands and associated functions that could be sustained by three existing solar installations in Highland Park, if they were converted into solar power islands. | green-buildings |
Developing Indicators for Environmental Contributions to Health | 2017 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | Working in partnership with the CHR&R team to explore approaches and methodologies for building additional indicators for health into the CHR&R platform related to health impacts associated with climate change and disproportionate community-based environmental burdens. | environmental |
The Role of Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal in Supporting Ocean Planning | 2017 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | The Mid-Atlantic Regional Council on the Ocean (MARCO) was established in 2009 to enhance the … | environmental |
Delays, Detours, and Diversions: Paths to Fully Executed Safe Routes to School Projects | 2017 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | Authored by DiPetrillo, S., L.A. Von Hagen, S. Malone, S. Meehan, and G. Shivaraman. This research presented in this paper identified promising practices used by those entities that had completed their projects (and had successfully achieved their goals) despite difficulties along the way. | environmental |
Supporting Secure and Resilient Inland Waterways: A Decision Framework for Evaluating Offloading Capabilities at Terminals during Sudden Catastrophic Closures | 2017 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | Authored by Campo, M., Mayer, H., and Rovito, J. This project seeks to develop a fundamental understanding of the resiliency of inland waterway transportation systems and the interdependence within and between transportation system components and a decision system that will allow public and private parties to respond quickly to catastrophic waterway events. | environmental |
Passenger Rail Security, Planning, and Resilience: Application of Network, Plume, and Economic Simulation Models as Decision Support Tools | 2017 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | Authored by Greenberg, M. This research discusses three simulation models that can assist rail transit planners and operators to evaluate high and low probability rail-centered hazard events that could lead to serious consequences for rail-centered networks and their surrounding regions. | environmental |
Community Resilience: One Approach in New Jersey | 2017 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | Authored by Whytlaw, J. This research discusses the development and hands-on deployment of decision-support tools for local officials and community stakeholders. | environmental |
Environmental Factors and Fluctuations in Daily Crime Rates. Journal of Environmental Health | 2017 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | Authored by Mapou AEMM, Shendell DG, Ohman-Strickland P, Madrigano J, Meng Q, Whytlaw J, Miller J. Though physiological effects of exposure to airborne lead on cognitive function and crime have been discussed in literature, to date, no studies examined other outdoor or ambient air pollutants and their potential impact on reported crime. | environmental |
Finding Locations for Endurably Objectionable Energy-Related Facilities: The CLAMP Policy | 2017 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | Authored by Greenberg, M.R., Coon, M., Campo, M., & Whytlaw, J. This chapter considers the challenge of finding locations for energy production and waste management facilities that society needs, but that are objectionable to many people. | environmental |
Synthetic Populations of Building Office Occupants and Behaviors | 2017 | Built Environment & Green Building | Authored by Senick J.A., Andrews C.J., Chandra-Putra H., Tsoulou I., Sorensen-Allacci M.A. The goal of this chapter is to convey a novel approach to overcoming the limitations of case study research of building occupant behavior in workplace settings by pooling samples and creating a synthetic population of building occupants and behaviors. | green-buildings |
An Examination of Policy Options for Achieving Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions in New Jersey | 2017 | Built Environment & Green Building, Environmental Analysis & Communications | Authored by Pacyniak, G., N. Kaufman, J. Bradbury, A. Veysey, H. Macbeth, M. Goetz, M. Kaplan, J. Herb, J. Senick, T. Abrahamian, and K. Zyla. This report explores policy options for the State of New Jersey in advancing statutory limits to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. | green-buildings environmental |
An agent-based model of building occupant behavior during load shedding | 2017 | Built Environment & Green Building | Authored by Handi Chandra Putra, Clinton J. Andrews, Jennifer A. Senick. Less well-studied are the impacts of load shedding on building occupants, hence this study investigates those impacts on occupant comfort and adaptive behaviors. | green-buildings |
Finegrained inequity: Linking urban metabolism to indoor air quality | 2017 | Built Environment & Green Building | … | green-buildings |
Cost-Effective Detection of Multi-Family Housing-Related Health and Safety Standards | 2017 | Built Environment & Green Building | Authored by Andrews, C.J., Gong, J., Mainelis, G., Senick, J., Sorensen Allacci, M., Plotnik, D., Calderon, L., Guo, M., Thomas, N., Yu, Y., Pavilones, B., Raja, P., and Liu, B. This project addresses the need for the development of low-cost test methods and protocols for identification and assessment of housing-related hazards. | green-buildings |
Comparison of real-time instruments and gravimetric method when measuring particulate matter in a residential building | 2017 | Built Environment & Green Building | Authored by Jennifer Senick, Richard Wener, Clinton J. Andrews. This study used several real-time and filter-based aerosol instruments to measure PM2.5 levels in a high-rise residential green building in the northeastern United States and compared performance of those instruments. | green-buildings |
Perth Amboy Rudyk Park | 2017 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | Authored by Alomar, R., D. Nickel, S. Malone, Z. Tech-Czarny, W. Kurzenberger, T. Barracato. For this project planning and design professionals conducted research and analysis of the park, community outreach as well as prepared a final conceptual design | environmental |
Energy-Efficient Reuse of Existing Commercial Buildings | 2017 | Built Environment & Green Building | Authored by Alomar, R., D. Nickel, S. Malone, Z. Tech-Czarny, W. Kurzenberger, T. Barracato. This paper characterizes the challenge using a regional survey of code officials and interviews with redevelopers, and explores how to improve outcomes. | green-buildings |
Annual Report on the Economic Impact of the Federal Historic Tax Credit for FY 2016 | 2017 | Urban Policy | The study utilizes the Preservation Economic Impact Model (PEIM), a comprehensive economic model development by Rutgers University for the National Park Service. | policy |
New York Region Climate Adaptation Network, Inaugural Meeting Proceedings | 2017 | Climate Change | Authored by Rosenzweig, Cynthia, Matt Campo, David Kooris, Michael Marrella, Mark Lowery, Nava Tabak. Presentations on the Sea Level Rise projection models and discuss the ways the science is, can, or should be incorporated into policy. | climate |
Red Root Creek Graduate Planning Studio | 2017 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | Co-taught by Sara Malone and Duke Farm’s Michael Catania, students developed a conceptual design for restoration of degraded wetlands in a working waterfront along the Raritan River on the Woodbridge/Edison townships line. | environmental |
Middlesex Greenway Access Plan Health Impact Assessment | 2017 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | The Middlesex Greenway HIA investigated the potential health impacts associated with increasing access and utilization of the Greenway and made recommendations. | environmental |
Perth Amboy 2nd Street Park | 2017 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | Authored by Carnegie, J., W. Hoefer, R. Alomar, A. Hernandez, S. Malone, S. Meehan, T. Sanchez, M. Ticker, A. Viani, L. Von Hagen. Community planning specialists and landscape architect developed a concept design to convert a contaminated site into a community park that meets the needs and interests of the surrounding neighborhood residents. | environmental |
HUD: Cost-Effective Detection of Multi-Family Housing-Related Health and Safety Hazards | 2017 | Built Environment & Green Building | This project tested and refined cost-effective methods for detecting health and safety hazards in affordable housing and compared these with and possibly augments conventional practices of identifying and mitigating such hazards. | green-buildings |
Business Improvement District (BID) Background, History and Financing (BID Assessment) | 2017 | Urban Policy | Authored by Small, S., & Listokin, D. This study discusses Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) as a strategy to revitalize community downtowns and other neighborhoods. | policy |
Rapid HIA of New Brunswick Municipal Public Access Plan | 2017 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | Authored by Lowrie, Karen W. A Rapid HIA was conducted to consider the health impacts of the Municipal Public Access Plan developed by the City of New Brunswick, New Jersey. | environmental |
Distinguishing Between Green Building Occupants’ Reasoned and Unplanned Behaviors | 2016 | Built Environment & Green Building | Authored by Elizabeth L. Hewitt, Clinton J. Andrews, Jennifer A. Senick, Richard E. Wener, Uta Krogmann & MaryAnn Sorensen Allacci. The aim of this paper is to advance knowledge of reasoned and unplanned behaviors in the context of pro-environmental action. | green-buildings |
City of Hoboken, New Jersey Proposed Stormwater Management Plan, Health Impact Assessment (HIA) | 2016 | Environmental Analysis & Communications, Inclusive Healthy Communities, Initiatives | Written by Jon Carnegie and Ryan Whytlaw, this Health Impact Assessment of Hoboken, New Jersey includes a proposed stormwater management plan. | environmental ihc initiative-activities |
Airborne Particulate Matter in Two Multi-Family Green Buildings: Concentrations and Effect of Ventilation and Occupant Behavior. | 2016 | Built Environment & Green Building | Authored by Senick, J.; Sorensen Allacci, M.; Plotnik, D.; Wener, R.; Andrews, C.; Krogmann, U. This research evaluated effects of ventilation, occupant behaviors, and overall building design on PM mass concentrations and I/O. | green-buildings |
Center for Energy, Economic & Environmental Policy (CEEP) Energy Reports | 2016 | Infrastructure Networks | View reports completed by the Center for Energy, Economic & Environmental Policy ranging from 2004-2016. | infrastructure-networks |
Integrating Health Impact Assessment (HIA) Into Pre-Disaster and Resilience Planning | 2016 | Environmental Analysis & Communications, Inclusive Healthy Communities | This presentation from Professor James K. Mitchell looks at ways to integrate HIAs into pre-disaster and resilience planning. | environmental ihc |
Making Healthier Decisions about Disaster Recovery: Opportunities for the use of Health Impact Assessments | 2016 | Environmental Analysis & Communications, Inclusive Healthy Communities | This report by James K. Mitchell makes a case for how HIAs can be viewed as value-neutral decision-support tools or as advocacy instruments. | environmental ihc |
Forecast of April 2016 New Jersey: Strong 2015—an Improving Future! | 2016 | Rutgers Economic Advisory Service | Authored by Mantell, N.H., Lahr, M.L. The April 2016 R/ECON™ forecast shows good growth for the state from 2015 through the 10-year forecast horizon. | rutgers-economic-advisory-service |
Mid-Atlantic Region Participatory GIS Workshops | 2016 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | A technique called Participatory GIS (pGIS) was deployed for mapping and collecting data on recreational use in the Mid-Atlantic Region. | environmental |
Forecast of January 2016 New Jersey: An Economy on the Mend for the Long Term | 2016 | Rutgers Economic Advisory Service | Authored by Mantell, N.H., Lahr, M.L. The January 2016 R/ECON forecast shows stronger growth for the state in 2016 than in 2015. Nonagricultural employment rose by an estimated 1.2 percent—or 45,700 jobs in 20151—after growth of 0.7percent or 27,700 00 jobs in 2014. | rutgers-economic-advisory-service |
Report on the New Jersey Open Government Data Thought Forum | 2015 | Bloustein Local Government | Authored by Marc H. Pfeiffer, MPA. This report examines a growing public imperative — the routine disclosure of government data in New Jersey. | local |
Economic Impact of Historic Preservation in Texas: Technical Analysis | 2015 | Urban Policy | Authored by Holleran, M., Oden, M., Lahr, M., & Listokin, D. This technical report focuses on the quantitative economic impact analysis. This research focuses on applying an advanced economic analysis tool, the Preservation Economic Impact Model (PEIM), developed by Rutgers to quantify the total impacts of historic preservation, encompassing both direct and secondary economic effects. | policy |
Managing Technology Risks Through Technological Proficiency | 2015 | Bloustein Local Government | Authored by Marc H. Pfeiffer, MPA. The report on this effort suggests that becoming “technologically proficient” is a pathway that local governments (and other organizations) can use to understand and manage their technology risks. | local |
Development of Climate Change Adaptation Elements for Municipal Land Use Plans: Building Resiliency in Ventnor City, New Jersey | 2015 | Climate Change | Authored by Krause, S. This report includes recommendations for the incorporation of climate change data, mapping, language and actions into Ventnor City’s local land use planning documents and programs. | climate |
Eco-evolutionary Pathways Toward Industrial Cities | 2015 | Built Environment & Green Building | Authored by J. Herb and J. Senick. This article brings jobs, housing, and environmental considerations together in an agent-based model of industrial and household location. It shows that four classic outcomes emerge from the interplay of a relatively small number of explanatory factors. | green-buildings |
Investigation of Bioaerosols and other Indoor Air Quality Parameters in Two Green Residential Buildings in the Northeastern US | 2015 | Built Environment & Green Building | … | green-buildings |
Cost Allocation Estimates of Pension Liability for Each 1% of Payroll Contribution | 2015 | Bloustein Local Government | The primary goal of this research is to provide a preliminary estimate on both a municipality and school board basis for the potential assumption of part or all current and/or previously unfunded or underfunded employer contributions to TPAF. | local |
Forecast of April 2015 New Jersey: Improvement Seen—is an Expansion in Sight? | 2015 | Rutgers Economic Advisory Service | The April 2015 R/ECON forecast shows more rapid growth for the state in 2015 than in 2014. Nonagricultural employment rose by 0.7 percent— or 27,700 jobs in 2014—after growth of 1.2 percent or 45,100 jobs in 2013. | rutgers-economic-advisory-service |
Federal Tax Incentives for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings: Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2014 | 2015 | Urban Policy | The Federal Historic Preservation Tax Incentives Program, administered by the National Park Service in partnership with the State Historic Preservation Offices, is the nation’s most effective program to promote historic preservation and community revitalization through historic rehabilitation. | policy |
Forecast of January 2015 New Jersey: The Recovery Continues at a Slow Pace | 2015 | Rutgers Economic Advisory Service | The January 2015 R/ECON forecast shows more rapid growth for the state in 2015, after very slow growth in 2014. | rutgers-economic-advisory-service |
Size May Not be the Issue: An Analysis of the Cost of Local Government and Municipal Size in New Jersey | 2014 | Bloustein Local Government | The paper addresses questions concerning the number of municipalities in New Jersey lead to higher municipal spending, and that consolidations will lead to lower costs and reduce or eliminate the high property tax. | local |
Using Information from Buildings to Improve Cities – Sustainable Cities Research Collaboration Network Workshop | 2014 | Built Environment & Green Building, Presentations | The Sustainable Cities RCN held a workshop at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, NJ, on … | green-buildings presentations |
Committee on Scientific Tolls and Approaches for Sustainability | 2014 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | … | environmental |
Pain of Sustainability: Limiting the Number of Times Homeowners can Receive Disaster Relief | 2014 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | The objective was to measure the willingness of U.S. adult residents of New Jersey, a state devastated three times by major tropical storms in 1999, 2011, and 2012. | environmental |
Keeping Surveys Valid, Reliable, and Useful: A Tutorial | 2014 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | This tutorial focuses on how to produce reliable and generalizable data from random-digit dialing (RDD) landline and cell phone surveys. The article notes that RDD response rates have declined and explores the impact of this pronounced decline. | environmental |
Trust in the U.S. Department of Energy: a Post-Fukushima Rebound | 2014 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | Data from surveys of people living within 50 miles of major U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) sites in 2010, 2011 and 2013 were analyzed to determine if the DOE regained trust lost following the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear power-plant related events in Japan in March 2011. | environmental |
Energy Policy and Research: The Underappreciation of Trust | 2014 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | The paper defines trust as believing that a person(s) or organization(s) can be relied upon to accomplish objectives because they are competent and possess values and intentions that are consistent with all or part of the public. | environmental |
Keystone XL Spotlights History of Environmental Analysis | 2014 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | This article aims to get a better understanding of the history and controversies surrounding one of our nation’s oldest environmental laws, NEPA and its history. | environmental |
The Challenges of Obtaining Credible Data for Transportation Security Modeling | 2014 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | The Center for Transportation Safety, Security, and Risk (CTSSR) at Rutgers University, an NTSCOE institution, developed models that address multi-modal resilience of freight and transit transportation networks. | environmental |
Sustainability as a Priority at Major U.S. Department of Energy’s Defense Sites: Surrounding Population Views | 2014 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | People who live within 50 miles of one of four U.S. Department of Energy’s major facilities to find if the public interest in sustainability also extend to large U.S. federal agencies. | environmental |
Economics of Risk Analysis | 2014 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | … | environmental |
Protecting Seniors Against Environmental Disasters: From Hazards and Vulnerability to Prevention and Resilience | 2014 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | This book connects the dots between the US baby boom generation and the marked increase in natural and human-caused disasters | environmental |
Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Evaluations, Plans and Market Assessments | 2014 | Infrastructure Networks | This collection consists of energy efficiency & renewable energy evaluations, plans and market assessments completed by the former Center for Energy, Economic & Environmental Policy (CEEEP). | infrastructure-networks |
White Paper: Comparing and Contrasting New Jersey and Pennsylvania Regulatory and Institutional Frameworks for Land Use Planning and Zoning as they relate to facilitating Energy Efficiency in Commercial and Multifamily Buildings | 2014 | Built Environment & Green Building | The primary objectives of Subtask 6.2 are to assess regional codes and standards policy barriers to Advanced Energy Retrofits, and to develop and demonstrate strategies for overcoming them. | green-buildings |
Literature Review and White Paper: Best Innovative Practices for Achieving Energy Efficiency in Commercial and Multi-Family Buildings through Land Use Planning and Zoning Regulations, Policies, and Incentives | 2014 | Built Environment & Green Building | This paper intends to fill three gaps in the available literature on facilitating energy efficiency in buildings. | green-buildings |
White Paper: Energy Efficiency Provisions in Building Rehabilitation Codes for Commercial Buildings – Pennsylvania & New Jersey | 2014 | Built Environment & Green Building | Both Pennsylvania and New Jersey have adopted statewide mandatory codes applicable to the new construction and rehabilitation of commercial buildings | green-buildings |
Using Planning Tools to Promote Energy Efficiency | 2014 | Built Environment & Green Building, Presentations | This document reflects the outcomes of the graduate-level studio, Planning Standards to Encourage Energy Efficiency Retrofits in the Delaware Valley, conducted at Rutgers University’s Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy in Fall 2013. | green-buildings presentations |
Modeling Real Estate Market Responses to Coastal Flooding | 2014 | Built Environment & Green Building | This paper presents an agent-based model to capture some of the main features of the housing market that emerges from interactions between autonomous buyers and sellers. | green-buildings |
Preliminary Report: Scaling Up Advanced Energy Retrofits within Large Portfolios of Commercial Buildings | 2014 | Built Environment & Green Building | This paper investigates the relative efficacy of different approaches to achieving rapid adoption of energy efficiency measures among owners of large portfolios of buildings. | green-buildings |
Preliminary Report: Incorporating Information on Occupant Behavior into Building Energy Models. | 2014 | Built Environment & Green Building | This paper asks what we can learn by incorporating more detailed information about occupant behavior into models. | green-buildings |
Preliminary User Needs Assessment and Responses to a Novel Human-Machine Interface for a Building Control and Diagnostics System | 2014 | Built Environment & Green Building | A research team performed a user needs assessment and a preliminary evaluation of the effectiveness of a novel human-machine interface (HMI) for a building control and diagnostics system. | green-buildings |
Preliminary Experimental Evaluations of Occupant Behavior during Load Shedding | 2014 | Built Environment & Green Building | This report describes the the behavioral effects load shedding may have on occupants of buildings undergoing the treatment. | green-buildings |
Forecast of April 2014 New Jersey: Still in the Soup | 2014 | Rutgers Economic Advisory Service | The April 2014 R/ECON forecast shows continuing but slow growth for the state. The very tough winter of 2013/2014 has kept employment growth minimal early in the year, although it is up compared to the early part of 2013. | rutgers-economic-advisory-service |
New Jersey Power Outages: Risks to the New Jersey Grid | 2014 | Infrastructure Networks | The Staff of the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (NJBPU) has asked the Center for Energy, Economic and Environmental Policy (CEEEP) to assess the vulnerability of New Jersey to electric power outages. This assessment is a challenging and critical task. | infrastructure-networks |
Weather related Power Outages in New Jersey | 2014 | Infrastructure Networks | A presentation on Weather related Power Outages in New Jersey. | infrastructure-networks |
RCGB Annual Report 2012-2013 | 2014 | Built Environment & Green Building | The Rutgers Center for Green Building seeks to establish itself as the pre-eminent interdisciplinary center for green building excellence in the Northeast, while serving as a single accessible locus for fostering collaboration among green building practitioners and policymakers. | green-buildings |
Forecast of January 2014 New Jersey’s Economy and Prospects Are Improving | 2014 | Rutgers Economic Advisory Service | The January 2014 R/ECON forecast shows improving prospects for the state compared to those of last year. It includes growth in nonagricultural employment of 1.6 percent—nearly 63,000 jobs in 2013, after growth of 1.3 percent or 49,100 jobs in 2012. | rutgers-economic-advisory-service |
Energy Efficiency and Occupant Behavior | 2013 | Built Environment & Green Building | This research on energy efficiency and occupant behavior in multi-tenanted buildings provides valuable insights into the challenges that confront the goal of achieving a 50% energy reduction in commercial buildings in the Greater Philadelphia region by 2014. | green-buildings |
Expanding the Definition of Green: Impacts of Green and Active Living Design on Health in Low Income Housing: Added Value of Behavioral Interventions as part of an Integrated Service Delivery Model | 2013 | Built Environment & Green Building | The study used a participatory research design to investigate whether green-building objectives were in conflict with or complementary to health-related objectives for residents. | green-buildings |
Green Residential Home Study: A Shore Community in New Jersey | 2013 | Built Environment & Green Building | This case study focuses on a high-performance single family home built to the Silver standard set by the U.S. Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design for Homes by Fluid Construction in a shore community in New Jersey. | green-buildings |
Relative Importance of Electricity Sources and Construction Practices in Residential Buildings: A Swiss-U.S. Comparison of Energy Related Life-Cycle Impacts | 2013 | Built Environment & Green Building | This study assess the effect of rating systems and construction practices on the buildings’ environmental impacts | green-buildings |
Climate Choice Homes Research & Development Project | 2013 | Built Environment & Green Building | This report summarizes the work funded under the New Jersey Clean Energy Program Climate Choice Home (NJCC) R&D Project. | green-buildings |
Costs and Benefits of Residential Energy Efficiency Investments | 2013 | Built Environment & Green Building | This study investigates the costs and benefits of investments in residential energy efficiency in New Jersey | green-buildings |
Brownfields. vol. 1, p. 139, Environmental justice. vol. 2, p. 384-385 | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | M. Greenberg. “Brownfields.” vol. 1, p. 139, “Environmental justice.” vol. 2, p. 384-385, in L. … | environmental |
Turning brownfields into ballfields | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | K. Lowrie, M. Greenberg, and D. Knee. “Turning brownfields into ballfields.” New Jersey Municipalities, 79 (6), … | environmental |
Is the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency brownfield assessment pilot program environmentally just? | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | This study we compared the brownfields pilot cities to other communities in the United States. | environmental |
Should housing be built on former brownfield sites? | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | This article discusses the a pilot program that would turn brownfield sites into new factories, businesses, and other job- and tax-creating activities. | environmental |
Environmental impact of reducing sprawl effects through urban redevelopment and growth controls: a case study of central New Jersey, Report 14 of National Center for Neighborhood and Brownfields Redevelopment | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | H. Mayer, M. Greenberg, R. Hordon, D. Knee, K. T. Miller, and C. Danis. “Environmental … | environmental |
Was 1992-2000 the best of times for American urban neighborhoods? | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | A survey was conducted in zoo1 in order to determine whether people believed that their home neighborhood benefited during the unprecedented economic boom of the 1990s. | environmental |
Reestablishing public health and land use planning to protect public water supplies | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | This study measured the extent to which land use, design, and engineering practices could reduce contamination of major public water supplies. | environmental |
Individual-oriented and neighborhood protecting health actions: The critical role of environmental education seeking behavior. | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | This research tested the relationship between individual health-oriented actions and neighborhood civic activities. | environmental |
Are mothballed brownfields sites a major problem? | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | M. Greenberg, D. Downton, and H. Mayer. “Are mothballed brownfields sites a major problem?”Public Management, … | environmental |
Reversing urban decay: brownfield redevelopment and environmental health | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | This report examines the redevelopment brownfields. | environmental |
Brownfields | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | … | environmental |
Extreme makeovers: The challenge of the largest brownfields | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | M. Greenberg. “Extreme makeovers: The challenge of the largest brownfields.” New Jersey Municipalities. Vol. 82(8), 2005, … | environmental |
Physical activity and use of suburban train stations: an exploratory analysis | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | This analysis sought to determine if recommended national standard for physical activity guidelines were being met amongst train users. | environmental |
Measuring the success of the Federal government’s brownfields program | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | This report discusses and measures the success of the Federal government’s brownfields program. | environmental |
Using a geographic information system (GIS) to help shape redevelopment of small urban centers | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | This chapter is about the involvement of the National Center for Neighborhood and Brownfields Redevelopment. | environmental |
Where does walkability matter the most? An environmental justice interpretation of New Jersey data | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | This report analyzed 340 residents of New Jersey in terms of physical activity. | environmental |
Building coalitions in support of city-wide brownfield redevelopment: the perspectives of three New Jersey mayors | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | M. Greenberg, H. Mayer, and J. Faass. “Building coalitions in support of city-wide brownfield redevelopment: … | environmental |
Go green for better buildings | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | J. Sennick, J. Sherry, C. Andrews, and M. Greenberg. “Go green for better buildings.” New Jersey … | environmental |
Neighborhood Stigma Twenty Year Later: Revisiting Superfund Sites in Suburban New Jersey | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | Six Superfund hazardous waste sites in suburban New Jersey were examined for evidence of long-term … | environmental |
The EPA’s brownfield pilot program as a worthwhile federalist environmental innovation | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | This research aimed to determine why some local governments received grants very early in the process while other awardees received funding later. | environmental |
From the ground up: growing our local capacity for brownfield redevelopment | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | K. Crossney, K. Lowrie, H. Mayer, and M. Greenberg. “From the ground up: growing our … | environmental |
Perceived neighborhood quality in the United States: measuring outdoor, housing and jurisdictional influences | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | This research found strong associations between neighborhood quality, detrimental conditions, housing quality, socioeconomic status, and age. | environmental |
Nuclear Waste and Public Worries: Public Perceptions of the United States Major Nuclear Weapons Legacy Sites | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | This research surveyed residents who lived near six U.S. Department of Energy former nuclear weapon sites to determine which risks most worried them and the predictors of their worries. | environmental |
Property Taxes and Residents’ Housing Choices: A Case Study of Middlesex County, New Jersey | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | This report sought to determine the relative importance of property taxes, crime, physical decay, and other negative factors in resident‐declared decisions to leave their homes and neighborhoods. | environmental |
Understanding the economic costs and benefits of catastrophes and their aftermath: a review and suggestions for the US federal government | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | This research presnents regional economic models that can be used in preparedness planning efforts, explore critical data needs, and advocate a shared federal-state-local strategic planning effort to accomplish the objective. | environmental |
Short and intermediate economic impact of a terrorist-initiated loss of electric power: case study of New Jersey | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | The economic impacts of potential terrorist attacks on the New Jersey electric power system are examined using a regional econometric model. | environmental |
Community health and asthma intervention project: final report for Mushett Family Foundation | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | K. Lowrie, D. Schneider, and M. Greenberg. “Community health and asthma intervention project: final report … | environmental |
The theory of neighbourhood decline due to pariah land uses: regaining control of the downward cycle | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | This paper describes the theory behind the impact of pariah land uses through examples of the downward spiral experienced by Camden, New Jersey and the south Bronx, New York. | environmental |
Measuring Brownfield Success in New Jersey: How Data Increases Our Competitive Edge | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | Shaw, Judith Auer, Henry Mayer and Michael Greenberg. “Measuring Brownfield Success in New Jersey: How … | environmental |
Industrial Decline and the Opportunities and Challenges of Brownfield Redevelopment | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | The intent of the report is to our intent is to highlight the legacy of hundreds of thousands brownfield sites from the era when the United States was the world’s industrial powerhouse. | environmental |
Potential Application of Renewable Energy on Brownfield Sites A Case Study of Michigan | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | This study investigates the application of renewable energy production on brownfield sites using Michigan as a case study. | environmental |
Measuring Redevelopment Benefits: The Search for Data | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | Shaw, Judith Auer, Michael Greenberg, and Henry J. Mayer. “Measuring Redevelopment Benefits: The Search for … | environmental |
Allocating U.S. Department of Homeland Security Funds to States with Explicit Equity, Population and Energy Facility Security Criteria | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | The purpose of this paper is to describe and illustrate a linear programming model developed to allocate anti-terrorism funds to states in the United States using the location of electrical-generating capacity to represent the need for security funds. | environmental |
Regional stakeholder meeting for New Jersey-New York-Philadelphia corridor, National Transportation Security Center of Excellence | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | C. Kozub and M. Greenberg, Regional stakeholder meeting for New Jersey-New York-Philadelphia corridor, National Transportation Security … | environmental |
Perchlorate exposure and lactating women in an urban community in New Jersey | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | M. Borjan, S. Marcella, B. Blount, M. Greenberg, J. Zhang, E. Murphy, L. Valentin-Blasini, and … | environmental |
Food Pantries, Poverty, and Social Justice | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | The authors advocate for a larger government role in assuring household food security. | environmental |
Energy Parks for Former Nuclear Weapons Sites? Public Preferences at Six Regional Locations and the United States as a Whole | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | This paper is about a proposal by the US Department of Energy (DOE) to create energy parks at some of its former nuclear weapons and waste management facilities. | environmental |
Right Answers and Right-Wrong Answers: Sources of Information Influencing Knowledge of Nuclear-Related Information | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | The objectives of this paper are to examine public knowledge of certain facts about nuclear energy and waste management, and to assess the correlates of that knowledge. | environmental |
Voices from the Past: Prescription for a Planet: the Ninth Bronfman Lecture | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | This publication presents Russell E. Train’s “Prescription for a Planet: The Ninth Bronfman Lecture”. | environmental |
Neighborhood (pp. 1998-2002), Carcinogens (pp. 335-337), Risk Analysis and Assessment (pp. 2466-240) | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | M. Greenberg, Neighborhood (pp. 1998-2002), Carcinogens (pp. 335-337), Risk Analysis and Assessment (pp. 2466-240), in … | environmental |
Media, Local Stakeholders, and Alternatives for Nuclear Waste and Energy Facilities | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | This chapter discusses the influence of media stories on public perceptions about hazards and risks, and then presents results of a recent content analysis of stories about proposed new or expanded projects at existing nuclear power or waste sites. | environmental |
A Set of Blended Risk-Based Decision Support Tools for Protecting Passenger Rail-Centered Transit Corridors Against Cascading Impacts of Terrorist Attack DHS | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | M. Greenberg, T. Altiok, N. Fefferman, P. Georgopoulos, C. Lacy, M. Lahr, P. Lioy, K. … | environmental |
Defending a moving target: H1N1 preparedness training for the transit industry | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | This research presents recommendations to stem the spread of the novel H1N1 virus and combined the most current public health data with best practices gleaned from some of the nation’s largest transit agencies, in a just-in-time format. | environmental |
Risk-Based Decision Support Tools: Protecting Rail-Centered Transit Corridors from Cascading Effects | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | This report considers the value of decision support tools for passenger rail system managers. | environmental |
Energy Choices and Perceived Risks: Is it just global warming and fear of a nuclear power plant accident? | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | A survey of 3,200 U.S. residents focused the association between risk beliefs and preferences for coal and nuclear energy | environmental |
Time to worry: whither risk analysis and the compression of government funding in the United States? | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | M. Greenberg. Time to worry: whither risk analysis and the compression of government funding in … | environmental |
Public preferences for environmental management practices at DOE’s nuclear waste sites. | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | The authors summarize factors that lead to the public preferences and discuss five population types encountered at these and perhaps other waste management sites | environmental |
Building Capacity for Community-Based Brownfields Remediation and Redevelopment: An Innovative Technical Assistance Model | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | This article describes the process of development and the program’s content and structure and evaluates the program based on a pilot test conducted with two CDCs in a major US city. | environmental |
Preferences for government investment in energy programs: Support for new energy production vs. energy conservation | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | This study investigated preferences for government investment in new energy production relative to energy conservation and the variables that influence these preferences among members of the general public and those who live near nuclear and/or coal energy facilities. | environmental |
Local Stakeholders and Alternatives for Nuclear Waste and Energy Facilities | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | K. Lowrie, A. Kennedy, J. Hubert, and M. Greenberg, Media, Local Stakeholders and Alternatives for … | environmental |
Predictable differences and opportunities to narrow them in J. Burger, ed., Stakeholders and Scientists: Achieving Implementable Solutions to Energy and Environmental Issues | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | M. Greenberg and L. Babcock-Dunning. Communication between the public and experts: Predictable differences and opportunities … | environmental |
The Environmental Impact Statement After Two Generations: Managing Environmental Power | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | This book is about a subject that Michael Greenberg has worked on and lived with for almost forty years. | environmental |
Perchlorate exposure and lactating women in an urban community in New Jersey | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | This study measured perchlorate in breast milk, urine, and drinking water collected from 106 lactating mothers from Central New Jersey. | environmental |
Improving Resilience in Rail Transit Corridors: Developing Models for Estimating the Impacts of System Disruptions | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | This article describes simulation models which will offer insights into events that can cause cascading impacts in rail and connected transportation systems. | environmental |
Assessment of Surface Transportation Security Training Needs and Delivery Preferences | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | This study assessed the needs for additional security training through focus groups and interviews with representatives of major surface transportation stakeholders and agencies. | environmental |
Are LULUs Still Enduringly Objectionable? | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | This research surveyed US residents about the feelings, emotions, images and colors they associated with locally unwanted land uses (LULUs). | environmental |
The Senior Elderly, Environmental Risks, and Generation Gaps | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | Thus research examined environmental risk perceptions of Americans 75+ years old compared to their younger counterparts. | environmental |
Global Availability of Water, The Praeger Handbook of Environmental Health | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | This comprehensive set of environmental health articles serves to clarify our impending challenges as well as opportunities for health and wellness. | environmental |
The affect heuristic, correspondence analysis, and understanding LULUs | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | The author comments on the study “Affective Imagery and Acceptance of Replacing Nuclear Power Plants,” by C. Keller and colleagues. | environmental |
Worrying about Terrorism and Other Acute Environmental Health Hazard Events | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | This research sought to better understand why some people worry more about terrorism compared with others. | environmental |
Sanitation and Public Health: A Heritage to Remember and Continue | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | The author reflects on a lack of proper sanitation and lack of access to clean drinking water which exist in 2012 in many countries across the globe outside of the U.S. | environmental |
Increasing the capacity of community development corporations for brownfield redevelopment: an inside-out approach. | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | This paper argues that in order to promote just redevelopment that encourages participation and targets weak market sites, a community-based approach to brownfield redevelopment should be encouraged | environmental |
Ten Most Important Accomplishments in Risk Analysis | 2013 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | The article discusses the 10 most important accomplishments in risk analysis for the period 1980-2010. | environmental |
A Multi-Agent Model of a Small Firm | 2013 | Built Environment & Green Building | This paper presents a bottom-up view of industrial ecosystems by examining the interpersonal dynamics that influence corporate environmental behavior. | green-buildings |
Life-Cycle Assessment of the New Jersey Meadowlands Commission Center for Environmental and Scientific Education Building | 2013 | Built Environment & Green Building | To better understand the environmental impacts and benefits from this green building, the NJMC contracted the Rutgers Center for Green Building to conduct a Life Cycle Assessment using the building plans and specifications as inputs to the analysis. | green-buildings |
Empowering Sustainable Consumption | 2013 | Built Environment & Green Building | This research discusses consumer behavior and its significant environmental impacts, and consumers need help from third parties to recognize better choices. | green-buildings |
Waterfront Technology Center Study: A New Jersey Economic Development Authority Building | 2013 | Built Environment & Green Building | The case study building is the New Jersey Economic Development Authority’s (NJEDA) Waterfront Technology Center (Tech Center) in Camden, NJ. | green-buildings |
Maplewood Police and Court Building: A Post Occupancy Evaluation | 2013 | Built Environment & Green Building | This case study assessed the Maplewood Police and Court Building, the 33rd LEED certified building in NJ and the first municipal building to be certified by the U.S. Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design green building rating system. | green-buildings |
Post-Retrofit Assessment of Lighting & HVAC Conditions in Three Tenanted Buildings – Liberty – PECO Smart Grid Investment Grant Program | 2013 | Built Environment & Green Building | The overall goal of this post-occupancy evaluation is to conduct research that supports building design and operating decisions that improve energy performance without sacrificing occupant satisfaction, health, safety or productivity. | green-buildings |
Occupant Behavior in Response to Energy- Saving Retrofits and Operations | 2013 | Built Environment & Green Building | This study addresses occupant response to energy saving technologies and load shedding in the workplace. Particular focus is placed on satisfaction with environmental factors, usability of the new systems, work quality and productivity, and health. | green-buildings |
Deep Energy Retrofit Modeling and Cost Effectiveness Study: A Technical Policy Brief | 2013 | Built Environment & Green Building | This document comprises a technical evaluation and policy brief by the Rutgers Center for Green Building, with assistance from industry consultants Kipcon Inc./Energy Squared, of the energy savings and cost of 10 commercial advanced energy retrofits (AERs). | green-buildings |
Township of West Windsor Building Inventory and Energy Efficiency Targeted Marketing Approach for Building Owners | 2013 | Built Environment & Green Building | The premise of this project is that many of the existing barriers to increasing the uptake of Advanced Energy Retrofits in commercial and multi-family buildings in the U.S can be overcome through enabling local, state and federal policies and public-private partnerships. | green-buildings |
Municipal Guidance for Promoting Energy Efficiency in the Private Sector | 2013 | Built Environment & Green Building | This policy brief focuses on how planning and zoning tools at the municipal level and public-private partnerships between municipalities and building owners can increase uptake of AERs. | green-buildings |
Modeling Real Estate Market Responses to Climate Change in The Coastal Zone | 2013 | Built Environment & Green Building | This paper presents an agent-based model to capture some of the main features of the housing market that emerges from interactions between autonomous buyers and sellers. | green-buildings |
HUD: Green and Active Living Design | 2013 | Built Environment & Green Building | The Center recently completed a three-year community based collaborative research study supported by the HUD’s (US Housing & Urban Development) Office of Healthy Homes and Lead Hazard Control. | green-buildings |
Investigating Opportunities for Improving Building Performance through Simulation of Occupant and Operator Behavior | 2013 | Built Environment & Green Building | This project had two goals: (1) improve the usability of green buildings, and (2) improve our ability to model human-technology interactions. | green-buildings |
Water Mass Balances for the Solaire and the 2020 Tower: Implications for Closing the Water Loop in High-Rise Buildings | 2013 | Built Environment & Green Building | To ensure that the assumptions for the hypothetical building are appropriate, a one-year water balance was also conducted of the existing 27-story Solaire building that partly closes the water⁄wastewater loop, meters major water flows and implements low-flow⁄water conserving fixtures and appliances. | green-buildings |
Technology diffusion and energy intensity in US commercial buildings | 2013 | Built Environment & Green Building | This paper analyzes the 1992 and 2003 US Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey microdata files to show the extent to which certain heating, cooling, lighting, and window technologies are entering use, and the resulting impacts on the intensity of energy use. | green-buildings |
Explaining the adoption of energy-efficient technologies in U.S. commercial buildings | 2013 | Built Environment & Green Building | This paper investigates factors explaining the adoption of energy-efficient heating, cooling, window, and lighting technologies in U.S. commercial buildings. | green-buildings |
Designing buildings for real occupants: An agent-based approach | 2013 | Built Environment & Green Building | This paper presents a framework for prospectively measuring the usability of designs before buildings are constructed, while there is still time to improve the design. | green-buildings |
New Jersey Green Building Manual Best Practice Guidelines for Residential and Commercial Buildings | 2013 | Built Environment & Green Building | The New Jersey Green Building Manual provides economic and environmental best practices across the spectrum of green building categories including energy, emissions, water, waste, siting, transportation, and human health. | green-buildings |
Investigating Building Performance Through Simulation of Occupant Behavior | 2013 | Built Environment & Green Building | This research investigates opportunities for improving building performance and occupant satisfaction through an iterative process of empirical fieldwork in green buildings and computer simulation modeling | green-buildings |
Incorporating Occupant Perceptions and Behavior into BIM | 2013 | Built Environment & Green Building | This chapter introduces a simulation-modeling framework that highlights the occupant’s influence on building performance and seeks to provide a basis for prospectively assessing the user’s experience. | green-buildings |
Green Living: Reducing the Individual’s Carbon Footprint | 2013 | Built Environment & Green Building | This research discusses green living and reducing the individual’s carbon footprint. | green-buildings |
Planning | 2013 | Built Environment & Green Building | This publication discusses the profession of planning that has emerged over the last century focuses on the needs of places and the people who live in them. | green-buildings |
Did that Plan Work? Post Occupancy Evaluation | 2013 | Built Environment & Green Building | This chapter explains several methods for studying attitudes and behaviors in a setting, and the physical setting itself. | green-buildings |
An Agent Based Model of Household Water Use | 2013 | Built Environment & Green Building | This paper introduces such a framework, presenting an agent-based model of household water-consuming behavior. | green-buildings |
Investigating Opportunities for Improving Building Performance Through Simulation of Occupant and Operator Behavior | 2013 | Built Environment & Green Building | The research investigates opportunities for improving building performance and occupant satisfaction through an iterative process of empirical fieldwork in green buildings and computer simulation modeling. | green-buildings |
Occupant Behavior in Response to Energy-Saving Retrofits and Operations | 2013 | Built Environment & Green Building | This study addresses occupant response to energy saving technologies and load shedding in the workplace. | green-buildings |
Simulation Modeling of Occupant Behavior in Commercial Buildings | 2013 | Built Environment & Green Building | A group at the Energy Efficient Buildings Hub is researching the links between energy efficiency and occupant behavior, and in addition to performing fieldwork and experiments. | green-buildings |
NJ Climate Choice Home (NJCCH) Pilot Project | 2013 | Built Environment & Green Building | The Rutgers Center for Green Building created a comprehensive life cycle cost tool to analyze energy life cycle performance in a sample of pilot Climate Choice homes. | green-buildings |
Annual Report on the Economic Impact of the Federal Historic Tax Credit for FY 2012 | 2013 | Urban Policy | This study examines the economic impacts of the HTC (currently a 20 percent credit) by analyzing the economic consequences of the projects it supports. | policy |
New Jersey’s Military and Coast Guard Facilities | 2013 | Rutgers Economic Advisory Service | While the military’s presence has declined in recent decades, the bases continue to contribute substantially to the New Jersey’s economy. | rutgers-economic-advisory-service |
Forecast of April 2013 New Jersey: The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same | 2013 | Rutgers Economic Advisory Service | The April 2013 R/ECON™ forecast for New Jersey looks for growth in nonagricultural employment of 1.2 percent or 48,600 jobs in 2013, after growth of 1.3 percent or 49,100 jobs in 2012. | rutgers-economic-advisory-service |
Annual Report on the Economic Impact of the Federal Historic Tax Credit for FY 2012 | 2013 | Urban Policy | Commonly referred to the as the Federal Historic Tax Credit (HTC), the HTC is designed to not only preserve and rehabilitate historic buildings, but to also promote the economic revitalization of older communities in the nation’s cities and towns, along Main Streets, and in rural areas. This report was prepared for FY 2012 for the National Park Service. | policy |
Combining Community Resiliency and Energy Efficiency Retrofits: The Rutgers Center for Green Building with the Energy Efficient Buildings Hub (EEB Hub) | 2013 | Built Environment & Green Building | There is a unique multifaceted approach to investigating this question that is taking place in the greater Philadelphia area through the Energy Efficient Buildings Hub (EEB Hub). | green-buildings |
Forecast of January 2013 New Jersey: The Economy Will Continue on a Slow Growth Path | 2013 | Rutgers Economic Advisory Service | The January 2013 R/ECON forecast for New Jersey looks for growth in non-agricultural employment of 1.2 percent or 45,700 jobs in 2012. | rutgers-economic-advisory-service |
Public Support for Policies to Reduce Risk after Hurricane Sandy | 2012 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | The objective of this study was to estimate public support for restricting land uses in flood zones, requiring housing to be built to resist storm waters, and otherwise increasing mitigation and resilience. | environmental |
Third Annual Report on the Economic Impact of the Federal Historic Tax Credit | 2012 | Urban Policy | This study examines the historical and current application of the federal historic tax credit (HTC) in the United States. | policy |
Forecast of April 2012 New Jersey: The Recovery Is Underway | 2012 | Rutgers Economic Advisory Service | The April 2012 R/ECON™ forecast for New Jersey looks for growth in nonagricultural employment of 1.2 percent or 48,000 jobs in 2012. | rutgers-economic-advisory-service |
Forecast of January 2012 New Jersey: The Recovery Continues Very Slowly | 2012 | Rutgers Economic Advisory Service | The unemployment rate was down to 9.1 percent from the recessionary peak of 9.9 percent reached in April 2010. However, the daily dose of new problems means that the probability of a strong ongoing recovery is slim. | rutgers-economic-advisory-service |
New Jersey Energy Master Plan Documents | 2011 | Infrastructure Networks | The NJ Board of Public Utilities (NJBPU) has asked the Center for Energy, Economics and Environmental Policy along with the Rutgers Economic Advisory Service to provide data collection and analysis as New Jersey updates and revises its Energy Master Plan. | infrastructure-networks |
New Jersey Association of Realtors (NJAR): Green Building Cost-Benefit Analysis | 2011 | Built Environment & Green Building | A detailed analysis of the upfront costs, operating savings, payback period, and appraisal and valuation benefits for these green features. The research looked at the costs and benefits of purchasing a green home on a life cycle basis, from upfront costs through expected resale value. | green-buildings |
Second Annual Report on the Economic Impact of the Federal Historic Tax Credit | 2011 | Urban Policy | This study examines the historical and current application of the federal historic tax credit (HTC) in the United States. | policy |
Forecast of April 2011 New Jersey: A Weak Recovery Begins! | 2011 | Rutgers Economic Advisory Service | While the U.S. economy strengthened in 2010 and into early 2011, the New Jersey economy contin- ued weak. The state began to add jobs in March 2010 when the nation did, but then lost them rather steadily through January 2011. | rutgers-economic-advisory-service |
Forecast of January 2011 New Jersey: The Recovery Will Finally Begin This Year! | 2011 | Rutgers Economic Advisory Service | The state’s job picture looked as if it were beginning to improve in the early part of the year, but a major decrease in employment in the summer changed that.The state looks extremely weak in comparison to the activity in the U.S. where employment decreased only a half percent in 2010. | rutgers-economic-advisory-service |
Barriers to Greater Penetration of Energy Efficient Wall Assemblies in the United States Housing Market | 2010 | Built Environment & Green Building | In 2010, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey and the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) partnered to compete as Team New Jersey in the U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon 2011 competition. | green-buildings |
The Contribution of the Casino Hotel Industry to New Jersey’s Economy | 2010 | Rutgers Economic Advisory Service, Urban Policy | This report examines the contribution of New Jersey’s casino resort industry to the New Jersey economy. in 2008 New Jersey’s casino resort industry supported nearly 101,500 jobs, about 2.0 percent of the 5.2 million New Jersey jobs counted by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis that year. | rutgers-economic-advisory-service policy |
Forecast of April 2010 New Jersey: The Future Looks Brighter, but We Still Need More Jobs! | 2010 | Rutgers Economic Advisory Service | New Jersey’s recession began in January 2008, a month after it started in the U.S. New Jersey lost 242,900 jobs between January 2008 and January 2010, or 5.9 percent of its peak employment base. | rutgers-economic-advisory-service |
Executive Summary: Economic impacts of Historic Perseveration in Florida | 2010 | Urban Policy | With an eye to maintaining its historic treasures, the State of Florida – and its local government and private partners – invests millions of dollars annually in preserving that history for future generations to enjoy, study, and embrace. This study shows how those investments have a widespread impact in real dollars and presents a snapshot of some successes that preserve Florida’s past for future generations. | policy |
First Annual Report on the Economic Impact of the Federal Historic Tax Credit | 2010 | Urban Policy | This study examines the background and evolution of the federal historic tax credit (HTC) in the United States. | policy |
Green Niche Market: A Model with Heterogenous Agents | 2009 | Built Environment & Green Building | This article introduces a multiagent simulation framework for investigating the emergence of niche markets for environmentally innovative products. | green-buildings |
Forecast of April 2009 New Jersey: How Bad Will the Downturn Be? | 2009 | Rutgers Economic Advisory Service | The so-called Great Recession began in New Jersey in January 2008, a month later it started in the U.S. New Jersey’s economy lost 103,200 jobs between January 2008 and January 2009 and the preliminary estimate shows the loss of another 19,700 jobs in February 2009. | rutgers-economic-advisory-service |
New Jersey’s Green Home Remodeling Guidelines Version (NJGHRG) 1.0 | 2009 | Built Environment & Green Building | The Guidelines comprise a menu of ‘best practices’ organized by major building systems, including plenty of references to more technical guides for additional information. | green-buildings |
Forecast of January 2009 New Jersey: Downturn for Sure, but How Bad Will It Be? | 2009 | Rutgers Economic Advisory Service | The National Bureau of Economic Research finally made it official: the U.S. is in a recession and has been since economic activity reached a peak in December 2007. We expect another relatively small decline in the New Jersey job base in 2009, with a turnaround expected in early 2010. | rutgers-economic-advisory-service |
Changing a firm’s environmental performance from within | 2008 | Built Environment & Green Building | Industrial ecologists are becoming interested in better understanding the influences on industrial structure and performance. | green-buildings |
Economic Impacts of Historic Preservation in Oklahoma | 2008 | This study examines the many significant economic effects of historic preservation in Oklahoma. The study examines the total economic effects of historic preservation, encompassing both the direct and multiplier effects. | ||
A National Survey of Local Land-Use Regulations: Steps Towards a Begining | 2008 | Urban Policy | The following report is the result of a year-long evaluation and refinement of a field instrument designed to gather information about local land- use regulations using focus groups of professionals from five cities in regions with disparate approaches to land-use regulation. | policy |
Building Capacity: Brownfields Redevelopment for Community-Based Organizations | 2008 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | This program handbook is intended for use by government, nonprofit or academic organizations and agencies that want to work with community-based organizations, building their capacities to become active players in brownfields redevelopment. | environmental |
Forecast of January 2008 New Jersey: In the Doldrums | 2008 | Rutgers Economic Advisory Service | During the first 10 months of 2007 New Jersey’s economy has added 22,200 jobs, or about two-thirds the number added in the same period in 2006. The state’s job growth rate so far this year—0.6 percent—was only half the nation’s, and the nation’s job growth this year has slowed by a third from 2006. | rutgers-economic-advisory-service |
Economic Impacts of Historic Preservation in Nebraska | 2007 | Urban Policy | An articulate and dedicated public has responded to the combination of history, architecture, archaeology, economics, and planning to advance historic preservation across the nation. Museums and historic sites lie at the heart of the fast-growing cultural tourism movement with positive economic benefits for Nebraska. | policy |
Economic Contribution of the Golf Industry to the State of New Jersey | 2007 | Rutgers Economic Advisory Service, Urban Policy | Nationwide golf’s popularity expanded rapidly in the late 1990s. New Jersey especially benefited from the … | rutgers-economic-advisory-service policy |
The Arts Community, Arts Village Development and Promotion of Arts in Woodbridge Township | 2007 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | This report is the product of a study performed by the National Center for Neighborhood and Brownfields Redevelopment for the Woodbridge Township Redevelopment Agency during the summer of 2007. | environmental |
Economic Impacts of Historic Preservation in Nebraska | 2007 | Urban Policy | This study examines the many significant economic effects of historic preservation in Nebraska. It is, to date, the most detailed statewide analysis of preservation’s economic impacts. | policy |
Forecast of January 2007 New Jersey: Slow Growth in 2006 Extends into the Future | 2007 | Rutgers Economic Advisory Service | New Jersey’s economy expanded very slowly in 2006, with the addition of only 34,600 jobs. The state’s job growth, at 0.9 percent, was half a percent slower than that of the nation whose employment base increased by 1.4 percent. | rutgers-economic-advisory-service |
New Jersey Demographic Multipliers: The Profiles of Occupants of Residential and Nonresidential Development | 2006 | Urban Policy | This publication produces demographic information on household size and pupil generation that is current, New Jersey–specific, and incorporates the experience of emerging development categories. | policy |
Economic Impacts of the Trenton-Mercer Airport | 2006 | Rutgers Economic Advisory Service, Urban Policy | As part of efforts to examine the economic role of the Trenton-Mercer Airport, the Division of Economic Development of the County of Mercer commissioned the Center for Urban Policy Research (CUPR) to undertake an assessment of its economic impact. | rutgers-economic-advisory-service policy |
Who Lives in New Jersey Housing? The Profile of Occupants of Residential and Nonresidential Development | 2006 | Urban Policy | The document’s data are invaluable for accurate demographic projections and development impact assessment. | policy |
Who Lives in New Jersey Housing? A Quick Guide to New Jersey Residential Demographic Multipliers | 2006 | Urban Policy | To improve the state of our knowledge, this publication by Rutgers University produces demographic information on household size and pupil generation. | policy |
Economic Impact Analysis of Hosting Breeders’ Cup – Monmouth Park 2007 | 2006 | Urban Policy | In preparing for this set of events, the New Jersey Sports & Exposition Authority (NJSEA) has asked the State of New Jersey to invest about $25.7 million to renovate Monmouth Park. About $10 million of this capital investment is strictly for the benefit of the Breeders’ Cup: the rest is expected to last beyond the term of the Breeders’ Cup. | policy |
Forecast of April 2006 New Jersey: Weak but Consistent Growth | 2006 | Rutgers Economic Advisory Service | New Jersey’s economic performance was stronger in 2005 than in the previous year, but the state’s economy greatly underperformed that of the nation in both years. Preliminary data for January 2006 indicate a weak start for this year as well. | rutgers-economic-advisory-service |
Forecast of December 2005 New Jersey: Expanding Slowly | 2005 | Rutgers Economic Advisory Service | New Jersey’s economic performance was weak in 2004. Employment increased by only 23,200 jobs, and, at just 0.6 percent, the state’s employment growth rate was significantly lower than the nationwide rate of 1.1 percent. | rutgers-economic-advisory-service |
Optimality of Market-Based Regulations Depends Sensitively on the Profit Maximization Hypothesis | 2005 | Built Environment & Green Building | Conventional analysis of regulatory mechanisms typically demonstrates that market-based approaches out-perform command-and-control policies. | green-buildings |
Grounded theory and multi-agent simulation for a small firm | 2005 | Built Environment & Green Building | This paper presents an empirically based, bottom-up view of organizational behavior, obtained by performing case studies of small firms in the New Jersey plastic injection molding industry, and then developing a multi-agent simulation model of such a firm. | green-buildings |
Forecast of April 2005 New Jersey: Solid Growth Ahead | 2005 | Rutgers Economic Advisory Service | In 2004, the New Jersey economy added 59,600 jobs—more than recovering the 44,000 jobs lost in the previous two years. This is a particularly impressive performance when compared with that of the country as a whole. | rutgers-economic-advisory-service |
Forecast of December 2004 New Jersey: Winning the Race | 2004 | Rutgers Economic Advisory Service | The New Jersey economy has added jobs at a rapid pace over the past year. The state gained 67,600 jobs from October 2003 to Octo- ber 2004—a growth rate of 1.7 percent—and more than 100,000 jobs between the botoom of the employment cycle in March 2003 and October 2004. | rutgers-economic-advisory-service |
Forecast of April 2004 New Jersey: The Prospects Are Bright | 2004 | Rutgers Economic Advisory Service | Over the past year, New Jersey’s employment picture has been considerably stronger than that of the nation as a whole. Although the state lost 3,600 jobs between 2002 and 2003, employment began to increase in April 2003. By January 2004, employment was only 0.7 percent below the peak reached in December 2000. | rutgers-economic-advisory-service |
Forecast of December 2003 New Jersey: Leading the Way to Recovery | 2003 | Rutgers Economic Advisory Service | After months of job loss, employ- ment growth has finally returned to the U.S. economy. The country gained 286,000 jobs between July and October 2003, but the total number of jobs is still 1.8 percent below the peak level reached in March 2001. | rutgers-economic-advisory-service |
Forecast of April 2003 New Jersey: A Recessionary Mood? | 2003 | Rutgers Economic Advisory Service | The recession, or at least a recessionary mood, remains a problem for both New Jersey and the United States as a whole. The malaise evident in the reluctance of many firms to expand their workforce is a result of both fear of war and terrorism and actual economic problems. | rutgers-economic-advisory-service |
Forecast of December 2002 New Jersey: Are We out of the Recession? | 2002 | Rutgers Economic Advisory Service | Both New Jersey and the United States entered a recession in 2001—the nation in March and New Jersey three months later. Although the end of the recession has not been designated officially, growth in output resumed in the fourth quarter of 2001 and U.S. employment bottomed out in April 2002. | rutgers-economic-advisory-service |
Forecast of April 2002 New Jersey: A Mild Recession Gives Way to a Slow Recovery | 2002 | Rutgers Economic Advisory Service | The national economy appears to be recovering, albeit slowly, from last year’s recession. New Jersey entered the recession later than the rest of the nation, and its economy fared somewhat better than the national economy during the recessionary period. | rutgers-economic-advisory-service |
Forecast of December 2001 New Jersey: The Economy Slumps | 2001 | Rutgers Economic Advisory Service | In producing the current forecast, we take into account a faltering economic environment in the state and in the country, the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in September, and, in its wake, the possibly temporary transfer of thousands of jobs from New York to northern New Jersey. | rutgers-economic-advisory-service |
Elements and test of a theory of neighborhood civic participation | 2001 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | A theory of neighborhood civic activity is proposed, and a telephone sample of residents of the Philadelphia metropolitan region gathered for the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press was used to test the theory. | environmental |
Coming back from economic despair: case studies of small and medium-size American places | 2001 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | The authors examined 34 small and medium-size communities that experienced long periods of economic prosperity built around a major industry or company and that then suffered economic declines when those industries substantially reduced their workforces and in some instances closed. | environmental |
Brownfield redevelopment as a smart growth option in the United States | 2001 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | An evaluation is made of brownfields redevelopment as a smart growth policy compared to purchase of land, restrictive growth policies, changing transportation patterns, promoting compact development designs on the metropolitan fringe, and regional government. | environmental |
Environmental impact of reducing sprawl effects through urban redevelopment and growth controls. A case study of Central New Jersey | 2001 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | M. Greenberg, H. Mayer, K.T. Miller, R. Hordon, and D. Knee. “Environmental impact of reducing … | environmental |
Brownfield redevelopment fights sprawl | 2001 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | K.T. Miller, M. Greenberg, K. Lowrie, and H. Mayer. “Brownfield redevelopment fights sprawl.” New Jersey Municipalities. … | environmental |
Surveying the land: brownfields in medium-sized and small communities | 2001 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | The authors investigated nine communities in NJ to determine the status of these communities’ brownfields programs, including the localities’ knowledge of brownfields sites, their plans for the sites, and the likelihood that the sites would be redeveloped during the next five years. | environmental |
Forecast of July 2001 New Jersey: Growth at a Snail’s Pace | 2001 | Rutgers Economic Advisory Service | The forecast for New Jersey looks for growth in real output of 2.6 percent this year following an estimated 3.5 percent rise in 2000. Growth in output will continue at modest levels in 2002. The economy will strengthen after 2002, with output growth averaging 2.8 percent a year from 2002 to 2006. | rutgers-economic-advisory-service |
Forecast of April 2001 New Jersey: Growth Fizzles, But Doesn’t Die | 2001 | Rutgers Economic Advisory Service | The economic expansion in New Jersey will continue this year and as far as we can see into the future. However, as in the rest of the nation, we expect considerably less growth in 2001 and 2002 than has been experienced in the recent past. | rutgers-economic-advisory-service |
Costs of Sprawl | 2000 | Urban Policy | Newspapers headline the proliferation of sprawl almost daily. What is sprawl? The preface to this … | policy |
RECON Forecast December 2000 – A Slowdown Ahead But No Recession | 2000 | Rutgers Economic Advisory Service | New Jersey’s economy continued its strong performance this year. Employment growth should come in at 1.5% in 2000, putting the job base at more than 3.9 million for the year—an increase of 235,000 jobs since the peak reached at the end of the last business cycle in 1989. | rutgers-economic-advisory-service |
Brownfields redevelopment, preferences, and public involvement: a case study of an ethnically mixed neighborhood | 2000 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | This research was conducted in order to identify preferences for brownfield redevelopment and the extent to which residents want to participate in the redevelopment process. | environmental |
Grassroots leadership, personality, and neighborhood environments, a case study of New Jersey | 2000 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | A survey was conducted of 35 neighborhood leaders and 250 other respondents who chose them to determine how they perceived their neighborhood environments. | environmental |
Brownfields focus makes idle urban sites an investment opportunity | 2000 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | M. Greenberg. “Brownfields focus makes idle urban sites an investment opportunity.” NJPRO, September … | environmental |
Balancing apples and oranges: factors to consider in brownfields remediation | 2000 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | M. Greenberg. “Balancing apples and oranges: factors to consider in brownfields remediation.” pp. 115-123, in NACCHO, … | environmental |
Secular and faith-based organizations as reliable information sources for residents of environmentally stressed neighborhoods | 2000 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | A sample of residents of Accra, Ghana, and residents of the state of New Jersey, stratified by type of neighborhood was gathered in order to determine the sources of information residents rely on for accurate information about their neighbourhoods. | environmental |
Brownfields, TOADS, and the struggle for neighborhood redevelopment: a case study of the State of New Jersey | 2000 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | A survey was made of all municipalities in the state of New Jersey (N = 566) to determine how many had brownfields sites that caused property devaluation and land-use changes beyond the site boundaries | environmental |
Internet technology as an aid in brownfields redevelopment | 2000 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | This research presents Internet technology as an aid in brownfields redevelopment. | environmental |
Forecast of July 2000 New Jersey: The Enduring Expansion | 2000 | Rutgers Economic Advisory Service | The R/ECON forecast for New Jersey in 2000 looks for employment to rise by 63,100 jobs, or 1.6%, with growth in real output of 3.0% and inflation at 3.1%. | rutgers-economic-advisory-service |
By the Numbers: Measuring Community Development Corporations’ Capacity | 2000 | Urban Policy | We look specifically at the relationship between community development partnerships (CDPs), local intermediaries funded in part by the Ford Foundation to support community development, and CDCs’ capacity-building efforts. | policy |
Forecast of April 2000 New Jersey: Expect the Good times to Roll On | 2000 | Rutgers Economic Advisory Service | The R/ECON forecast for New Jersey looks for employment to rise in 2000 by 55,900 jobs, or 1.4%, with growth in real | rutgers-economic-advisory-service |
RECON Forecast December 1999 – New Jersey Enters the New Millennium | 1999 | Rutgers Economic Advisory Service | R/ECON expects that the state will add 65,900 jobs this year and 56,600 in 2000. Growth will moderate in the first few years of the next century, with an average increase of 38,800 jobs a year between 2000 and 2004. | rutgers-economic-advisory-service |
Creating an Information Democracy: The Role of Community Technology Programs and Their Relationship to Public Policy | 1999 | Urban Policy | Is lack of access to information technology leaving disenfranchised groups even further behind? Sophisticated information technology is no longer confined to the realm of Star Trek or affordable only to top-level executives. Anyone with a modem-equipped home computer can now hitchhike along the information superhighway | policy |
Aspen Institute Report: Creating an Information Democracy | 1999 | Urban Policy | Current patterns of access to information technology (IT) hint at a disturbing story in which information “haves” and information “have-nots” are separated along lines of race, socioeconomic status, education level, household type, and geographic location (NTIA 1999, Doctor 1994). | policy |
Improving neighborhood quality: a hierarchy of needs | 1999 | Environmental Analysis & Communications | A sample of residents of New Jersey stratified by type of neighborhood was gathered in order to measure the association of residents’ ratings of neighborhood quality with neighborhood attributes and residents’ characteristics | environmental |
Forecast of July 1999 New Jersey: The Economy Just Keeps Chugging Along! | 1999 | Rutgers Economic Advisory Service | During early 1999, New Jersey’s economy continued on its upward path propelled by the nation’s seven-year growth cycle. There were strong increases in employment, low inflation, and a voracious consumer economy, as reflected by housing permits, residential construction contracts, and new vehicle registrations. | rutgers-economic-advisory-service |
Forecast of April 1999 New Jersey: Mild Slowdown Ahead | 1999 | Rutgers Economic Advisory Service | The R/ECON forecast for New Jersey is for a continuation of the current expansion but at a somewhat slower pace. | rutgers-economic-advisory-service |
Building Community Development Capacity in Portland | 1998 | Urban Policy | This research uses a typology of CDC capacity developed by Glickman and Servon (1998) as a framework for the report. | policy |
Building Community Development Capacity in Cleveland | 1998 | Urban Policy | This report provides an overview of capacity-building activities undertaken by NPI and offers insight into the role of CDPs in community development, utilizing the model of CDC capacity developed by Glickman and Servon. | policy |
Building Community Development Capacity in Minneapolis | 1998 | Urban Policy | Minneapolis CDCs operate in an organizationally dense environment, with active corporate and philanthropic sectors contributing substantial resources for community development. | policy |
Building Community Development Capacity in El Paso | 1998 | Urban Policy | This study, undertaken on the heels of the EPC’s first round of grants, focuses on the early steps of the El Paso Collaborative—it is too soon to judge the effects of its work. | policy |
RECON Forecast December 1998 – New Jersey: Slower Going Ahead! | 1998 | Rutgers Economic Advisory Service | The expansion of New Jersey’s economy that began in May 1997 will continue– though at a reduced rate–through the forecast period that ends in 2001. | rutgers-economic-advisory-service |
Building Community Development Capacity in Philadelphia | 1998 | Urban Policy | This report reviews PNDC’s experience in building CDC capacity and attempts to understand the role of partnerships in neighborhood development. It examines the context in which PNDC emerged, and the ways that it has tried to address CDC needs. | policy |
RECON Forecast October 1998 – New Jersey Expansion Continues, But Slower Times Ahead! | 1998 | Rutgers Economic Advisory Service | New Jersey’s economy began to expand after its long recession and subsequent recovery in May 1997. Since then, the state has added 91,000 positions to its employment base. | rutgers-economic-advisory-service |
Working Together: Building Capacity for Community Development | 1998 | Urban Policy | This report summarizes our findings from interviews and focus groups with representatives from a wide range of CDCs and community development partnerships across the country about their experience with capacity building. | policy |
More than Bricks and Sticks: Five Components of CDC Capacity | 1998 | Urban Policy | In this paper, we look specifically at the activities CDCs and CDPs undertake to build the capacity of CDCs. Although it is probably true that building capacity of a CDC results in increased capacity in the neighborhood in which that CDC operates, we do not look specifically at neighborhood effects in this paper. | policy |
Towards a Comprehensive Geographical Perspective on Urban Sustainability | 1998 | Urban Policy | The results of the NSF-funded workshop are summarized in this report. In addition to preparing and distributing this report, the group plans to disseminate the results of the Workshop through a variety of publications, Internet postings, and other media inside and outside the field of geography. | policy |